
15 ways to get rid of laziness and increase motivation

What does it mean to be lazy? Is it good for a person or bad? After all, most are lazy and it seems quite natural.

To be lazy from the traditional point of view is to be,,. And sometimes laziness means that you want to spend a minimum of effort where it is justified. And from this point of view, laziness is not only "the mother of all vices", but also "the sister of all achievements."

Laziness can have many meanings, so it is important to understand what it is doing right now in the current situation, what is it protecting from or what is it pushing to? Low motivation can mean that the result is not at all what you need, or you are not satisfied with the ways to achieve the goal.

To better understand your laziness, its meaning, and how to overcome it, there are several strategies you can use to clarify the situation. It will take some effort, but once you get the first answers to your questions, it will become much easier.

1. Acceptance of your own laziness

In most cases, any struggle with oneself is exhausting, as it is accompanied by endless internal dialogues, self-punishment, and often self-loathing. Of course, this negatively affects self-esteem, mood and drives you into stress, and as a result, even more discourages the desire to do something.

To break out of this vicious circle, you need to try to accept your own laziness without feeling guilty or criticizing yourself. Sometimes a pause is a necessary and natural way to get through a difficult situation.

2. Understand the reason for laziness and lack of motivation

Trying to understand what causes such resistance, you may be faced with unexpected confessions. A goal that is alien to us, an unwillingness to meet someone's expectations and obey orders, makes us feel lazy. Laziness can be a form of protest against imposed stereotypes, values, or rules.

Observe what time of day you feel lazy the most? Perhaps you lack a challenging job? Or, on the contrary, is the stress and anxiety too high and a change of scenery is necessary?

Studies show that more than fifty percent of workers with high levels of stress are unproductive, compared with ten percent where stress is normal.

3. Change your usual behavior

After taking the first steps, you may come to the conclusion that laziness is a way to cope with the routine, boring daily rules. Probably, laziness manifests itself in some kind of repetitive situations and circumstances. Then, by redefining your habits and stereotypes, you can form new ways of acting, and any major changes can have a positive impact.

4. Correct setting of goals and objectives

Unclear, vague goals ("I want to be happy") or too global (to lose 5 kg in 2 weeks of training) lead to the fact that the brain perceives them as an impossible task and declares a strike. For implementation, the brain needs a clear plan, step-by-step instructions, and only then does laziness recede.

5. Make Small Parts What You Can

By breaking down a boring task, you can complete it much faster than you thought. A small, easy-to-do task at the start of the day will trigger an impulse that will work in the next step.

If something takes less than 2 minutes, you can do it right now! The feeling of "I'm doing well" reinforces the impulse and is a good motivator.

6. Technique POMODORO

This is a popular time management strategy, the main idea of ​​which is to divide work into gaps with short breaks. You can set yourself a timer for 25-30 minutes, during this time, do the work without distraction, and then a break of 5-7 minutes, and longer after 4 cycles. With such small "dashes", you can complete the task in a short time and not break down.

7. Recognize and cut off "escape routes"

It is difficult to focus on work, being in the same TV room, where your favorite show or movie is on, or scrolling through social media feeds. And in the office there are many colleagues with whom it is interesting to chat, discuss something. In such a situation, it is easy and pleasant to be lazy!

By recognizing escape routes, you can control laziness. For example, temporarily turning off notifications on the phone, or working in another room.

8. Let laziness win

Often the cause of laziness is accumulated fatigue, a long absence of vacations or vacations. After taking a few days off, make the most of your laziness. Regular rest has been shown to have a positive effect on work efficiency and well-being. Frequent travelers score 68.4 on the Gallup-Heatway Welfare Index, reflecting their well-being and health. Those who rarely allow themselves to rest receive only 51.4 points.

9. Minimum perfectionism

The desire to bring the work to perfection, "to do it perfectly or not to do it at all" - all this makes one get bogged down in secondary tasks, without moving on to the main one. Perfectionism depletes the resource, forces us to doubt all the time, to compare, not to forgive ourselves for minimal mistakes.

As a result, anxiety develops, and laziness here acts as a defense against unpleasant feelings. Only by reducing your tendency towards perfectionism, giving yourself the right to make mistakes, can you gradually find a new way to accomplish the task.

10. Treat yourself

Motivation can be supported by allowing yourself a small reward at different stages of the work. For example, a special lunch or dinner at the end of a hard day, going to the movies, or a nice gift. Thinking that there is a reward for your effort for the foreseeable future will make you feel more motivated and boost your mood.

11. Act together

Many people find it easier to get work done if there is someone nearby who can support them. He can help not only on a professional level, but become a source of positive energy, inspiration, and encouraging emotions.

If it is difficult to find such a person among the employees, then they can become a friend or family member who is capable of emotional support.

12. Surround yourself with active people

If you are surrounded by motivated people, then you will feel more cheerful, more optimistic. Being among people who achieve something, we live more productively, we do boring work faster.

13. Useful Anxiety

Very often, the environment and framework are effective - avoiding trouble can be better motivating than expecting a reward. Anxiety, which allows you to mobilize inner strength, gives a good impetus to overcome inner passivity.

14. A difficult task can become a game

More than half of innovation project management organizations use gambling to engage and motivate their employees. The excitement that appears during the game helps to maintain interest and desire to solve the problem.

15. "Laziness is the engine of progress"

In many cases, laziness becomes a factor in finding the fastest and most effective solutions. In an effort to do everything faster and with minimal effort, you can develop a unique algorithm for solving a difficult problem, automate some kind of production process, or select a person who is able to cope with the problem in a short time.


Laziness is not always an enemy to fight, it often signals that you are moving in the wrong direction. And laziness is a kind of opportunity to stay in your space, listen to your true desires and make an informed decision.

Finding a job that you enjoy makes it much easier to tackle boring tasks, turn them into games, and win rewards. Work efficiency is primarily determined by the result, not the effort expended!

"I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because he will find an easy way to do it." - Bill Gates.

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Vova Romanchenko in the video "The Eternal Fight Against Procrastination" tells what laziness is, how to deal with it, and is it even possible!