
9 ways to get better and find happiness

Everyone wants to become better, but many simply do not know how to do it. Every night I like to think about what I can do for my cultivation. Among other things, I have a goal - to go down in history by doing great things. Thinking about the quality of my actions every day, I gain an opportunity for personal growth.

Growing up, I was not the best child. Sometimes I made fun of others, behaved selfishly and was sure that the world revolved around me alone. But time passed - and I grew up. I'm not the annoying kid I used to be anymore because I've matured and realized what it means to get better.

Having understood what it is like to become better, I was able to develop myself and become a person who suits me perfectly. I am much happier, being myself now, and I will be able to tell future children about myself without a twinge of conscience.

So how do you get better?

Here are 9 ways to do it:

1. Get ready to change

To grow above yourself, you must be willing to change. Internal change is the only way to improve and become the person you really want to be. Many people tend to resist change, and this makes personal growth much more difficult.

As long as your consciousness is open to change, you can become the person you want to be.

2. Put excuses aside

When I first started my campaign in high school, I started looking for excuses whenever something went wrong. I blamed others, whether it was the client or anyone else who was involved with the case - but not myself.

However, then I realized that it is very important to learn to take responsibility for your mistakes. When I put excuses aside and, when I was guilty, began to honestly take the blame upon myself, I was able to achieve much more than before. After admitting my mistakes, I could learn from them experience, which greatly contributed to my growth above myself.

3. Stop getting angry

A lot of people allow anger to influence their decisions. As a child, I was a violent child, but this did not lead to anything other than ruining relationships with people and raising my blood pressure.

Taking control of your anger is an elusive skill, but extremely useful. Instead of mindlessly surrendering to rage, I decided to find another way to throw out my negative emotions - after all, anger did not help me in solving my problems, but only multiplied them.

Think of a way to calm your nerves during an angry attack - for example, the anti-stress ball helped me a lot.

4. Become a role model

Sometimes, in order to take control of yourself, you need to become an example for someone else to follow. When I became an entrepreneur and found myself in the center of attention of a huge number of people, I began to treat my behavior much more deliberately. I didn't want to disappoint others by showing them how immature or a poor role model I am.

You can start small: become a "big brother", a coach of a children's team, or an example for your own children. It doesn't matter; the main thing is that you will have to make decisions that the people who watch you in awe will appreciate.

5. Forgive people

Forgiving for hurting you is extremely difficult. When someone's actions offended me, I could never let go of my offense: even if the matter was not serious, I still remembered it in the most unhealthy way until the end of their days.

However, I soon realized that it is human nature to be wrong. Therefore, instead of blaming someone throughout your life, it is better to try to forgive him. To grow above yourself, you must come to terms with your past and forgive the sins of those who hurt you.

6. Listen to people

Each person is busy with their career, family and personal life. Everyone is in a relentless rush, so few people have enough time to listen to others. I figured out for myself that giving people around you and listening to them is one of the best things you can do in the world.

Thanks to the time I have been able to do, I have acquired great contacts and made some of the biggest deals I have ever had. Listening skills are extremely important and can change your life for the better.

7. Be honest

You will not find an honest person today with fire, although in fact honesty is a panacea in any situation. Try promising yourself that you won't lie for the next month.

Challenge yourself like this and become honest by developing sincerity as a habit. If you're a chronic liar, start small: be honest for 1 day, and then over 2 and 3, achieving bigger and bigger goals.

8. Do what you don't feel like doing

There is no better way to grow above yourself than keeping your mind open and trying things that you haven't done before. Take a chance and challenge yourself by trying what you've feared before. A better life lies outside your comfort zone - and here's why.

As a child, I was terrified of a roller coaster, but then, as a teenager, I still decided to ride - and these were the best hours of my life. I would never have lived them if I had not overcome my fear and gave a chance to something new in my life. This experience alone pushed me to try other new things.

9. Make a pleasant surprise for your loved one

Do you have a loved one? Whether it is your beloved one, a child or another family member, it doesn't matter: give them a pleasant surprise! If you think that someone from your environment deserves a gift, then buy it for him.

Knowing that you've given someone a smile is one of the best feelings in the world. Delight your loved one by preparing something special for him!

What can be done to change your life right now?

If you do not take any active action, then there is a high probability that you will continue to live the same way as before until the end of your days.

The question is this:

Are you ready to change for the better?

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