
9 reasons to stop vegetarianism

It has always been believed that meat can cause cancer, despite the fact that it is eaten in large quantities. Meat is the basis for everything, because even vegetarians make the mistake of consuming the usual pseudo-vegetarian food, which in fact contains components of animal origin. Below are the 10 reasons to stop vegetarianism

9. Our body is designed to eat meat

Evidence of the consumption of animal food by prehistoric people was found in 2003. Another indisputable evidence in favor of meat-eating is the anatomical structure of human internal organs involved in the breakdown and digestion of food. It is very different from the organ system of ruminants, adapted to process plant food.

8. Meat created humanity

Prolonged rejection of meat affects the development of the brain in children (this is confirmed by the examined skull of a child who lived 1.5 million years ago). The findings support the theory that the level of brain complexity is directly related to the number of calories consumed per day. It is quite possible that meat food cooked on fire played a special role in the formation of high intelligence.

7. Meat-eating primates

Vegetarians claim that of all primates, only humans eat meat. However, in 1960, chimpanzees were seen eating other animals. Subsequently, it was found out that some primates are able to eat up to one ton of meat per year. Such nutrition made it possible for individuals to take a higher status in their herd.

6. Meat production may be viable

Another argument in favor of the theory of vegetarianism is environmental pollution by animal waste. But after all, competent cattle grazing naturally enriches depleted soils, making them suitable for high yields without chemical additives. The meat of one cow can feed an entire family in the village. Therefore, it is not animal husbandry that is the cause of environmental pollution, but errors in its conduct.

5. Amount of damage to the environment

Nowadays, there is a fashion for soy products. Instead of meat, the planet is increasing its consumption of tofu. The soil after growing soybeans becomes unsuitable for farming. To plant this plant, more and more new land and natural fuel reserves are required. And not all countries have climatic conditions that meet the agronomic requirements for growing soybeans. Therefore, it makes sense to think about whether it is worth making an effort to get a tasteless meat substitute.

4. Meat can reduce aggression

It was believed that vegetarianism can significantly reduce bloodlust and aggression in a person. But some scientists doubted the correctness of such statements and began to observe people who were shown pictures of fresh meat. Even those who had the opportunity to take advantage of their position, thoughts about food were not prompted to act aggressively.

3. Meat-eating should not offend animals

The main argument in favor of giving up meat is cruelty to living things that become food. The look of the cages in the poultry farm is horrible, filled to capacity with live birds, which were previously intended for slaughter. Even in cases where animals are provided with more humane conditions, the result will be murder for the sake of a banal dinner. This is the main reason why some people refuse to consume meat products. But thanks to the new work of modern scientists, it became possible to grow pieces of meat artificially without harming animals. The first sample of the hamburger turned out to be, although expensive - $ 300,000, but quite tasty.

2. Saving the planet

The nature in the countryside resembles the landscape that reigned on the planet thousands of years ago. Humanity can benefit greatly from huge areas suitable for the construction of power plants that process solar and wind energy. The most affordable and ecological method to preserve the natural landscape in such places is to allow cattle farms to use huge fields as pasture for livestock. Breeding livestock will guarantee a sustainable peace.

1. Meat is delicious food

This is certainly not an argument. Much of the controversy on the Internet between vegetarians and people who prefer meat products boils down to this fact. No matter how many numbers we cite about the amount of protein, defending our point of view, the main truth is that we primarily like the taste of meat.