
Diseases with the most expensive treatment

In Russia, medicine can be conditionally divided into two components - services provided by government agencies and medical care offered by private clinics. Today we will talk about private treatment. In this kind of clinics, highly qualified specialists work, who do their job with high quality and value their work dearly.

Often we turn to foreign specialists for qualified medical assistance, for which we receive sky-high bills, but their work is worth the money spent. Health care is undoubtedly very expensive today. Illness is the most unpleasant condition for us. It is difficult to imagine how high the costs of treating serious illnesses are.

They amount to billions of rubles annually. People who do not have enough funds are forced to save on medicine, since even free treatment of complex diseases requires expensive drugs. Here we have listed Top 10 diseases with the most expensive treatment.

10. The birth of a child

Normal childbirth is, of course, not a disease, but a natural state. But sometimes they take a lot of money. When giving birth to a child, a woman needs proper help - medication, hospitalization, regular check-ups and attention, as well as a separate ward and a nanny-sitter. Private clinics can provide you with everything you need, but sometimes people are willing to spend thousands of dollars for the opportunity to give birth in the most expensive maternity hospitals in the world. Therefore, a normal childbirth is an expensive pleasure. Caesarean sections are also expensive in these clinics.

9. Problems with the spine

This is a very common problem. Now every second person is faced with problems with the spine, regardless of age and well-being. Problems can be caused by injury or damage to the spinal cord, requiring long-term treatment or hospitalization. Since many are susceptible to this disease and need immediate treatment, private clinics have significantly increased the price list for services provided.

To avoid such expenses, we must exercise regularly and practice healthy eating. Maintain a healthy weight and quit smokingbecause sports and bad habits are incompatible.

8. Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease characterized by high blood sugar... Many people do not even suspect that they are suffering from this disease. Typically, diabetes is classified as a hereditary disease. For more information, read our article 10 Interesting Facts About Diabetes.

This ailment can lead to heart disease, blood pressure, kidney, nutritional and vision problems. To prevent diabetes, you must eat a balanced diet, exercise, and regularly consult a doctor for advice - this is better than suffering and spending huge amounts of money on treatment.

7. Kidney disease

The kidneys in the human body perform irreplaceable functions: they cleanse the blood, remove water from the body, but in order to properly perform these functions, the kidneys must be in proper condition. When the kidneys lose the ability to remove waste and toxins from the body, doctors resort to dialysis. This procedure is performed for patients with kidney failure once or twice a week.

Dialysis is an expensive procedure, the cost of drugs also exceeds all limits.

6. Problems with the lungs

Edema and inflammation of the lungs, asthma - all this requires expensive medications and procedures. Unlike asthma, these diseases are not hereditary. You should avoid smoking and drinking too much. Treating these conditions is extremely costly.

5. Grafts and grafts

Transplantation is used to replace damaged organs and body parts; implants replace the missing part of the body. Today, a huge number of transplants are being carried out. Liver, heart, kidney, pancreas, intestines and lungs - these types of transplants are quite common.

Transplantation is a surgical procedure. Organ tissues, valves, corneas, skin, etc. are also transplanted. It is very hard and time-consuming work, and medicines are prohibitively expensive.

4. Osteoarthritis

Joint disease is very common among people between the ages of 35 and 40. This problem requires a lot of money for treatment. Osteoarthritis is caused by our negligence. Getting the right amount of calcium and getting regular check-ups with a specialist can help prevent osteoarthritis.

3. Mental abnormalities

Mental illness is associated with a behavioral factor. In fact, there are various causes of mental illness. Treatment takes a lot of money until the first signs of improvement in the patient's condition appear.

Mental illness can include depression, schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, and many other illnesses. Medications are very expensive and the constant visits to the doctor make the treatment even more expensive.

2. Cancer

Cancer is a disease that arises from the unregulated division of cancer cells. Regardless of the type of cancer, treatment will cost a lot. Cancer mortality has dropped significantly in the past decade. This disease is dire both medically and financially. Do your best to protect yourself from this disease.

Quit smoking, avoid alcohol abuse, avoid sun damage, eat right, and exercise regularly.

1. Heart disease

Heart diseases are rightfully ranked among the most expensive diseases in the world. The disease begins to progress due to unhealthy lifestyle and smoking. Fatty foods and lack of exercise are also major causes of heart disease.

Treatment requires lengthy procedures, surgeries and expensive medications. Coronary artery disease and heart attack are the most common heart problems. All precautions must be taken to avoid them.