
10 natural remedies for headaches

Headache is a problem that affects almost all people, of all ages. Headache can occur for a variety of reasons, such as excessive smoking, too much stress, lack of water in the body, eye strain, abnormal neuronal activity, neck strain, and other causes. Regardless of the reason, the first thing most of us do is take pills. Sure, it brings relief, but why do you have to depend on some type of drug, even if prescribed by doctors, when natural remedies can bring you relief? Let's take a look at these natural products that can help relieve headaches without side effects.

10. Mint juice

Menthol and cineole are the main constituents of peppermint that help in the treatment of headaches.

Take a handful of mint leaves, squeeze the juice out of them and place them on your forehead and temples. Alternatively, you can compress the mint tea on your forehead to treat your headache.

9. Ginger

As you know, ginger helps to reduce the inflammation of blood vessels in the head and, as a result, helps to eliminate unpleasant pain.

You need to mix several separate pieces of ginger with lemon juice and drink this mixture once or twice a day. You can also mix a teaspoon of ginger powder with two tablespoons of water, spread it on your forehead, and leave it there for a few minutes to help clear up the headache.

8. Basil

Basil helps soothe muscles, so if your headache is the result of muscle tension, then basil will help you, also because of its analgesic and soothing effects.

For treatment, add 2-3 fresh basil leaves to a glass of boiling water and let it brew for about 5 minutes. You can also add some honey to this tea and drink it while it is still warm.

7. Peppermint oil

Peppermint contains a lot of menthol, which can open up blocked blood vessels and help relieve headaches. It also has a calming effect. Peppermint is rich in menthol, which helps open clogged blood vessels that could be causing headaches.

Take a tablespoon of butter, almond oil, or water and add 3 drops of peppermint essence. Spread this mixture on your forehead and temples and wait. You can also add a few chopped mint leaves for more effect.

6. Ice bag

This is one of the easiest headache remedies. Ice coldness reduces inflammation that could cause headaches. It also has a calming effect on the person.

If you suffer from migraines, you can apply an ice pack to the back of your head for pain relief. You can also dip a rag in ice cold water and apply it to your forehead for 5 minutes. Repeat this several times until the pain disappears.

5. Lavender oil

Simply inhaling the soothing scent of lavender oil can provide relief from tension headaches. Studies have shown that it can also help you eliminate migraine symptoms.

You just need to take a piece of cloth, put a little lavender oil on it and inhale. You can also add 2-3 drops of lavender oil to a cup of boiling water and inhale the steam. This will not only help relieve the headache, but it will also help you relax. You can also add 2-3 drops of lavender oil and mix with a tablespoon of butter or almond oil and spread over the temples and forehead, massage.

4. Carnation

Clove is known for its pain relieving and soothing properties and is an excellent home remedy for headaches.

If you want to use this method, you need to chop a few carnations and place them on a handkerchief or bag. Then you should inhale the pleasant smell when your head hurts and you feel relief. You can also add a few drops of clove oil to another oil of your choice and massage it into your temples to relieve pain.

3. Rosemary

Rosemary oil contains rosemary acid, which has anti-inflammatory and soothing properties and, as a result, can help you get rid of headaches.

You need one tablespoon of oil, such as almond oil or any other oil. Add 2-3 drops of rosemary oil, mix and spread on temples and forehead, massage for a few minutes. You can also make an herbal tea by adding one teaspoon of rosemary and a few chunks of sage leaves to a cup of boiling water. Let it brew for 10 minutes and when the tea cools down to room temperature, drink it.

2. Apples

Apple cider vinegar and apples help maintain the acid-base balance in your body and may, as a result, help relieve headaches.

You can just eat the apple with a little salt. Or you can take a glass of water, add 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar, stir and drink.

1. Acupressure massage

It is known that acupressure can relieve many problems, including headaches. It is believed that the 14 L-point can effectively cure headaches.

The part of the palm between the index finger and the thumb, at the highest point when these fingers are close, is the point to be massaged. It is necessary to perform acupressure in this part of the palm for 1-2 minutes. Although it is contraindicated for pregnant women.

Therefore, when you feel a headache, instead of buying medicines or balms at the pharmacy, try using these products first. If the pain persists or intensifies, then you should consult your doctor.

We advise you to see:

If you no longer have the strength to endure a headache and do not want to resort to the help of pills, we recommend one method that will help you 100%!