
TOP 10 aphrodisiacs: products that will set you in the right mood

Raw oysters are sucked straight from the shells. Foie gras melts on the tongue like butter. Salted caviar pearls burst between the teeth.

Whether these products have magical, uplifting properties that are attributed to them or not is unknown. Certain foods undoubtedly strengthen the immune system and are full of nutrients and vitamins such as B and E, which improve our physical well-being and make us more attractive.

After all, isn't glowing skin and good physical shape commonly associated with good looks? After all, it all depends on a healthy diet.

Here's our pick of the best aphrodisiacs you should try. Find out which of these romantic dishes your partner will turn up.

10. Almonds

We are crazy about almonds. Despite the fact that he does not look particularly attractive (unlike he has almond-shaped eyes), in ancient times he was considered a symbol of fertility. And we're guessing there's something about these little dry nuts that resemble testicles.

In theory, the scent of almonds awakens passion in women - at least that's what poets and writers of bygone eras believed. The French writer Alexandre Dumas, the author of the Count of Monte Cristo, ate almond soup every night before meeting his mistresses. Samson made Delilah with these delicious nuts, which lower cholesterol and provide a rich dose of vitamin E, magnesium and fiber to improve your overall health. So you can go on, go on, and go on ...

9. Asparagus

Our romance with this member of the lily family began hundreds of years ago. Asparagus "awakens lust in men and women," wrote the English botanist Nicholas Culpeper in the 17th century. In 19th century France, grooms were served three dishes from these enticing shoots at a pre-wedding dinner. And, it turns out, for a reason: asparagus is an excellent source of potassium, fiber, vitamins B6, A and C, thiamine and folic acid. The latter is considered essential for the ability to achieve orgasm in both sexes.

8. Avocado

Avocado delights us. Contrary to their voluptuous form (here's a question for Rorschach: if the avocado had no bone, what would it look like?), They were sexually associated with men. Actually, the Aztecs called the avocado tree "auacatl" or "seed tree". We can indeed agree with the ancient peoples who believed that these fruits were like "manhood" when they hang in pairs from trees.

However, not everyone likes it. The Spanish considered avocados so obscenely arousing that Catholic priests banned their use. Make sure you eat enough of this mineral-rich fruit (think guacamole). This creamy treat, which is also good at fighting cancer, is high in calories, but also high in vitamins B9, B6, potassium, omega-3 fatty acids and oleic acid, which counteracts "bad" cholesterol.

Yes, this green delight contains a lot of fat, but guys, it is needed for your body to produce testosterone.

7. Bananas

This nutritious fruit in a pleasant form has everything for a healthy diet: potassium, magnesium, B vitamins. It also contains complexing minerals and a bromelin enzyme that increases male libido - maybe that's why Central Americans drank red banana juice as an aphrodisiac. and the Hindus considered it a symbol of fertility. If a banana is left on the doorstep, it means that the wedding will take place soon. Bananas appeared early in Eden; according to Islamic mythology, Adam and Eve covered themselves with banana leaves, not figs.

6. Basil

This fragrant member of the labiate family has a seductive scent so seductive that it can treat headaches. Here's a hint: all kinds of headaches. Not surprisingly, the Greeks considered it their main plant.

Its botanical name comes from the Greek for "to be fragrant." Basil has a warming effect on the body and promotes circulation. In some parts of Italy, basil is a pledge of love.

5. Chocolate

Why does eating chocolate make us so happy? It's all about chemistry. This "food of the gods" contains theobromine, a stimulating alkaloid similar to caffeine. Chocolate also helps the brain produce serotonin, which makes us feel good. Make sure you consume dark chocolate - it contains incredible amounts of antioxidants, while milk chocolate is just milk, sugar and a small amount of cocoa.

4 eggs

The egg is one of the oldest symbols of fertility. It is rich in vitamins B6 and B5, which help balance hormone levels and fight stress. It is believed that if you eat raw chicken eggs before sex, your libido will increase. But we are generally talking about all eggs: fish and bird. Think of caviar that bursts gently in your mouth, or the delicate testicles of a young partridge.

3. Figs

It is believed to have been Cleopatra's favorite food. A sweet purple fruit that is sexy in appearance and texture. For obvious reasons, it has been used synonymously with female genitalia in erotic literature. The ancient Greeks believed that figs were more valuable than gold, and in many cultures it was associated with fertility.

2. Foie gras

Foie gras is considered one of the most sumptuous dishes. It is scandalous, expensive, decadent and wanted all over the world. Like jewelry, furs and champagne, foie gras is associated with a rich life, and its oily texture and mythical fame are sure to turn you on.

1. Oysters

These salivating molluscs are a classic aphrodisiac. There is even research to support this: raw oysters are high in zinc, which increases sperm and testosterone production, which means it increases libido. Just like some types of fish, oysters contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to improve overall well-being and even help fight depression. They are also a source of dopamine. Unsurprisingly, Casanova ate 50 raw oysters a day.

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Can you increase your cravings with food? What are the best aphrodisiac foods? Check out our rating and check it out for yourself!