
TOP 10 reasons to travel alone

People travel not only to visit new places. The time spent on the trip allows you to relax, relieve stress and enjoy communication with your family. Surely, you have visited many places with your family, friends, loved ones, but have you ever wanted to travel on your own? While some may not find this idea very appealing, it has a number of advantages, so there are many reasons to go on a tour yourself. Let's take a look at 10 of them right now.

These are the top 10 reasons why you should travel alone at least once in your life.

10. You will enjoy the time spent alone with yourself

Our life is full of worries and obligations. We devote a lot of time to family, study or work, and sometimes we just need to be alone, alone with our thoughts and feelings. These respites are very important. The time you spend away from other people's thoughts and needs allows you to reboot your brain, improve concentration, allow you to think wider and, thus, can help find solutions to many problems. If you need a little more than just an hour or two spent in the park alone, then go on a trip, do not take anyone with you and enjoy such a necessary rest.

9. You will meet new people

Meeting new people is one of the best things about any trip. Maybe the thought of being in an unfamiliar place all alone scares you a little. But just imagine how many friends you will meet along the way. Wherever you are, be it a rock concert, a cafe or a queue for train tickets, there will be many people around with a variety of destinies. During the trip, you will surely meet very interesting people, whose stories will inspire you, and you will understand where to move next.

8. You will create your routes

Traveling with friends and family is a lot of fun, but in the end you’ll have to do things you don’t feel like doing. Since everyone in your company will make their own suggestions on how best to spend time, what time to get up, when to go for a walk, which excursions to buy tickets for, which entertainment to choose. All the little things will have to be coordinated, taking into account the interests of everyone. While you are traveling on your own, only you decide which route to take, where and when to go.

7. You will gain self-confidence

There is no doubt that there are many who would like to dissuade you from traveling alone: ​​friends who believe that you cannot survive without their support; relatives who are simply very worried about you. But the bottom line is that you can do it. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, just go travel, and you will see what you are capable of and how strong you are. Doing this will increase your confidence in your own abilities and help you realize how much you can achieve.

6. You will get the best experience

Travel is great on its own, whether in a group or alone. However, if you know that none of your friends and family have ever been to the places where you are now, that you are the only one who sees these amazing things, tastes incredible local cuisine, the impressions will be completely different, deeper. You will want to remember everything as best as possible, so that after returning to share a new experience, the story of your adventures. This will make the trip even more rewarding and fulfilling.

5. You will become a seasoned traveler

When you travel alone, you have to take care of everything yourself: routes, maps, planes, trains and cars. Each trip will make it easier for you to cope with all the tasks. You will know exactly what time to arrive at the airport, what time the train departs, how to rent a car or bicycle. This knowledge will make your next trip easier and more comfortable.

4. You will become more independent

The undoubted advantage of traveling alone will be that you learn what you are capable of. We are so accustomed to the monotony of daily affairs - we drive the same routes, go to familiar restaurants and cafes, buy food in the same hypermarkets, meet with a limited circle of people - that we literally get bogged down in this routine, we act automatically according to the rules and patterns that are accepted in our environment. When you travel alone, you not only visit new places - you make decisions about everything yourself and you yourself overcome obstacles if they arise on the way. Therefore, you will feel independent of the opinions and actions of other people, you will realize that you are able to find a way out of any situation yourself.

3. You will enjoy freedom and unpredictability

So you feel your independence and confidence, how about freedom and spontaneity? You might be intimidated by the idea of ​​planning the entire trip yourself. But it is in this that you can show your imagination and freedom of choice. You can decide to do something new that you have not thought about before, or visit places that you have long dreamed of. And as soon as you get off the plane, train or car in the place where you were striving, from the very first step you will feel the taste of real freedom.

2. You will become responsible

So far, you have most likely traveled with friends and family and they have helped you with many things. Mom may have been packing your clothes, friends ordered food, and your sister would wake you up to get you to the airport on time. But if you go alone, all responsibilities fall on your shoulders. Only you are responsible for solving these problems, and if you do not cope with something, then you will also have to deal with the consequences. Therefore, one way or another, you will become more collected and responsible.

1. You get to know yourself better

Even if you embarked on a journey alone, in order to be a little away from other people and feel your independence, at the end of the journey you will find that you have begun to understand yourself much better. By being left to yourself, you will more often listen to your inner voice, reveal your abilities and understand what qualities you need to work on. It is possible that you will learn things that you never thought of. For example, you might find it easy to make friends, even though you've considered yourself an introvert all your life. Or decide on a bungee jump, despite your fear of heights.

Traveling alone is truly rewarding. It will give those emotions and sensations that are simply impossible to acquire in group tours: you will learn a lot, understand yourself better, become more responsible and decisive. New experiences will help develop your personality and change your life for the better.

We advise you to see:

If you still doubt whether it is worth going on a trip alone, watch a video from Inna, who will share her personal experience of such travels and tell you how great it is to go somewhere alone.