
10 ways to straighten curly hair at home

Curly hair is a problem that worries many people. Some just put up with it and live with it, and some struggle. Either way, it is frustrating for those who want their tresses to be strong and beautiful. There are many ways to tame your hair: shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. However, they can be quite expensive. Perhaps the best way is to use natural products, so here are 10 ways to get rid of frizzy hair at home.

10. Coconut milk

Coconut milk contains protein and moisturizes the hair. You can use milk from fresh coconut or buy milk from the store.

You will need a couple tablespoons of lightly warmed coconut milk. Do not overheat, otherwise there is a risk of harm to yourself. Apply the milk evenly to your curls and wear a shower cap or tie a towel around your head. Leave this mask on overnight, wash your hair in the morning and then let your hair dry. Do not use a hairdryer for this. Repeat this treatment twice a week, and your hair will stop frizzing and become strong and shiny.

9. Bananas

Banana is a natural hair conditioner. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates and natural oils. This helps the hair retain the moisture it needs, makes it shine, softens, and fights frizz and split ends.

Mash the banana with a fork until puree. Then add a quarter cup of yogurt, two tablespoons of olive oil, the same amount of honey and mix well. Spread the product over your strands and put on a shower cap. Wait an hour and then wash your hair with your shampoo. Repeat this therapy once a week.

8. Avocado

Avocado contains vitamin E and fatty acids that help tame hair and make it more manageable, soft and shiny. So an avocado mask is a great way to combat frizzy hair.

The technology is as follows. Ripe avocados need to be mashed into a pulp and add half a teaspoon of olive oil. Then you should wash your hair with a regular shampoo and apply the mask to wet strands. The mask must be washed off after an hour with cold water, and then you can use a conditioner.

7. Beer

beer can easily restore moisture lost by hair. It contains minerals, amino acids, vitamins, antioxidants and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on hair. Better to use dark beer. Cover the hair with beer for a few minutes, and then just rinse off with cold water. The procedure should be carried out every two weeks.

6. Apple cider vinegar

Another effective remedy is apple cider vinegar. The acid it contains will make your weakened hair come back to life.

Just mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water to reduce the acid concentration, and apply this solution along with your shampoo while washing your hair. After the first use, the hair will become more manageable and shiny. The procedure should be repeated every 2-4 weeks.

5. Sparkling water

We bet you haven't even thought about how regular soda can change your hair? Soda has a slightly alkaline environment, which helps it fight unruly hair, frizzy due to moisture.

Just rinse off the shampoo with sparkling water and your hair will be beautiful and manageable. Use this method until you achieve the desired result.

4 eggs

Perhaps the most common folk remedy for weakened curly curls is eggs. Egg yolk contains colossal amounts of protein and fat, moisturizing and nourishing hair, while protein is rich in enzymes that remove excess oil and kill bacteria on the scalp.

You will need to break the egg and add a teaspoon of olive oil (it will soften the curls and help the hair to retain moisture). Spread the mixture evenly over the strands and leave for half an hour. Then rinse your hair well with a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.

3. Olive oil

Olive oil is one of the best hair products, especially if it is frizzy. It will improve the condition of the hair, making it stronger.

Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and heat gently. Then apply it to your hair and scalp. Cover with a shower cap and wait at least an hour. Then wash your hair as you normally would, using shampoo and conditioner. For best results, apply olive oil three times a week.

2. Honey and lemon

Honey and lemon are ingredients found in almost every home. Who would have thought that with their help you can easily get rid of curly curls? Lemon contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins that will heal your hair, and honey will fill it with vitality.

Mix two tablespoons of honey with the same amount of lemon juice, add a glass of water and stir well. Dampen hair, apply mixture, avoiding scalp. Wait 15 minutes and wash off using shampoo. Repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week.

1. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise contains both oils and eggs, so it perfectly nourishes and moisturizes hair, leaving it strong and shiny.

In a bowl, mix half a packet of mayonnaise, egg yolk, a tablespoon of lemon juice and olive oil. Then apply to damp hair and cover with a shower cap for half an hour. Finally, wash off the mixture with cold water.

Remember that your hair is your treasure and you must do your best to keep it beautiful and healthy at all times. That is why we have shared with you these easy ways to deal with frizzy locks that will leave your hair strong and shiny.

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