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10 cutest animals in the world

Thousands of animal species live on Earth. Some are good, some are bad, and some are cute. Although beauty does not always mean harmlessness: see the list of 10 beautiful but surprisingly dangerous animals.

Today we will tell you about 10 of the cutest, fluffiest, most charming and lovable animals on earth. Sit back, relax, and enjoy reading about 10 cute little animals that will fill your day with positive emotions.

10. Hedgehogs

Fun fact: Hedgehogs are practically immune to snake venom.

Hedgehogs are thorny mammals native to Asia, Africa and Europe. Despite the similarity to rats, they are without a doubt cute and harmless. It is for this reason that they are becoming more and more popular as exotic pets. If you are looking for a cute and unique animal in itself, take a hedgehog.

9. Little penguins

Fun fact: Penguin Penny was the mascot for the 2007 FINA Swimming World Championships held in Melbourne, Victoria

What could be more adorable than penguins? Their miniature version. Little penguins are similar to normal penguins in everything except size. Their small stature makes them much prettier than ordinary ones, so they can be safely called one of the ten cutest animals on earth.

8. Northern pygmy owls

Fun fact: Northern pygmy owls often hunt creatures of the same size or larger than themselves.

Northern pygmy owls are native to western North America. This is the smallest species of owl. Adults reach a size of 15-17 cm and have a gray, brownish-gray or reddish color.

7. Koalas

Interesting fact: Koalas hardly drink water as they get most of their water from the leaves they eat. Even the word "koala" means "no water".

The koala is easily recognizable by its strong tailless body, large head with fluffy rounded ears and spoon-shaped nose. The body length of a koala reaches 60-85 cm, and its weight is 4-15 kg. Koalas are extremely cute animals with an innocent expression on their face that only adds to their charm.

6. Arctic foxes

Fun fact: Arctic foxes are able to withstand extreme frost. They will only start shaking when the temperature drops below -70 degrees Celsius.

The arctic fox, or polar fox, less often the arctic fox, is a breed of foxes adapted to life in an extremely cold environment. The rounded body shape minimizes heat loss and also gives them a cute fluffy look.

5. Red pandas

Interesting fact: the scientific name of these animals - Herbivorous Carnivoran - means that although they belong to the group of carnivores, they are more similar in food preferences to herbivorous giant pandas.

Red pandas live in the eastern Himalayas and southwest China. Despite the fact that they are called pandas, genetically they are not close relatives of giant pandas.

They have reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to the fact that their front legs are shorter than the hind legs, like a domestic cat.

The red panda is endangered: the loss and fragmentation of the habitat as a result of human activities, as well as poaching, damage this species, despite the fact that red pandas are protected by the laws of several countries.

4. Pomeranian

Fun fact: two dogs were rescued from the Titanic, one of which was a Pomeranian.

This breed is sometimes called toy dogs because of its small stature and cute appearance, reminiscent of a teddy bear. They continue to shrink in size, but the smaller they get, the faster their popularity grows.

According to the registration data, the Pomeranian Spitz has been one of the twenty most popular breeds in the United States since 1998, and the current fashion for small dogs has increased their popularity all over the world.

3. Rabbits

Interesting fact: the offspring of rabbits are numerous. The rabbit gives birth to up to nine rabbits annually.

Rabbits are cute little herbivorous mammals and some of the most popular pets on earth. Like cats and dogs, rabbits come in a variety of colors and shades and are family friendly. Although rabbit owners will have to take steps to protect children, as rabbit teeth can easily bite through human skin.

2. Fenky

An interesting fact: these huge ears not only perfectly hear, but also help fennec get rid of excess heat in the hot desert.

Fenkies are exotic animals that can be kept at home, although they require different care than domestic dogs and cats. They are very playful and friendly, and look more like a cat and dog mix than foxes. Their fluffy body, small size and large ears make them one of the cutest animals on earth.

1. Persian cats

Fun Fact: Their long coats look like they need constant maintenance. But in fact, they are considered one of the easiest to care for and friendly breed of cats.

Almost all cat breeds are cute. The sight of a playful kitten will put a smile on your face even in the early morning. If you are an animal lover, in or near your home, chances are you have a cat or dog. If your cat is not Persian: please don’t be discouraged, but we have chosen Persian cats, because we consider them prettier than the rest.

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