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TOP 10 most famous paintings in the world

Many new paintings appear regularly, but there are never many canvases that could offend every viewer. The authors of these works are rightfully considered geniuses and are known all over the world. Even in the Stone Age, people painted pictures, and it is still not clear how they did it without the right tools. Let me give you an example of the Nazca line, in southern Peru (I touched on this topic in my article about the wonders of the world). Many lines form shapes that are visible from a bird's eye view, such as a spider, hummingbird, monkey, fish, or killer whale. It remains to be seen how the Nazca Indians could have created such huge paintings. After all, they themselves could not evaluate their work from the air ...

So, in this article we have collected 10 of the most famous paintings around the world.

1. Mona Lisa

Mona Lisa is undeniably one of the most famous paintings in the world. The portrait of a woman, painted by the Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci, is perhaps known to everyone.

Here are some facts about the painting:

  • It is said to be a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, who was the wife of Francesca del Gioconda. The portrait was most likely painted between 1503 and 1506.
  • The portrait was acquired by the King of France, Francis I, and now belongs to the French Republic.
  • The painting has been located in Paris, in the Louvre since 1797. About six million people a year visit the museum just to see the Mona Lisa.
  • This is one of the most mysterious paintings. The general composition, the slight half-smile of the Mona Lisa suggest that the artist wanted to say something more. Mysteriousness, by the way, is one of the common features of Leonardo da Vinci's paintings.

2. Starry night

The Starry Night is another world painting by Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent has painted enough paintings and this is one of the masterpieces.

What you should know about the painting:

  • The Starry Night was painted in 1889. The painting depicts a view from a window in the hospital where the artist lived at the time. Some elements, for example, a village, Vincent added from his imagination.
  • Since 1941, the painting has been housed in the Museum of Modern Art in New York. It was received by the museum under the bequest of Lilly P. Bliss.
  • This is one of 2,000 oil paintings by one of the most famous artists in history.
  • Vincent van Gogh usually performed watercolors, drawings and sketches, which became in demand after his death. One of his quotes reads "Artists understand nature and love it, and teach us to see."

3. The Last Supper

Another of the famous paintings of the 15th century, painted by none other than Leonardo da Vinci. She did not make it to the museum for the reason that she adorns the wall of the dining room in the church of Santa Maria delle Grazia in Milan.

Some facts about this mural:

  • Most importantly, the picture depicts the last meal of Jesus among his disciples. This is stated in the Gospel of John
  • Leonardo depicted the moment when Jesus tells the apostles that one of them will betray him. There are 12 apostles in the picture.
  • The painting is not well preserved. Mainly due to natural and intentional damage. Another reason was the way it was created.
  • Many restoration methods were tried at The Last Supper, and the last one was completed in 1999.

4. Guernica

The author of this painting was inspired by the explosion in Guernica, Spain. During the Spanish Civil War, in 1937, Pablo Picasso completed one of his most famous paintings.

Here's what you should know about Guernica:

  • The painting was sponsored by the Spanish government as a demonstration of the suffering of the war, although it later came to symbolize peace.
  • Pablo Picasso uses only a few colors, namely white gray and black. Guernica is considered one of the finest anti-war paintings in the world.
  • Basically, the painting depicts violence, chaos and human suffering.
  • You can see Guernica at the Reina Sofia Center for the Arts in Spain.

5. Creation of Adam

This work was painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512. It is a painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican.

What is worth knowing about her:

  • The painting depicts how the Lord breathes life into Adam. This plot is also described in the Book of Genesis.
  • The touching hands of God and Adam became a symbol of humanism.
  • It is one of the most religious paintings of all time along with Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper.
  • The painting shows one of the nine scenes in Genesis.

Also, you can read about prehistoric cave paintings.

6. Scream

Written by Edward Munch in 1893. He was one of the most famous painters of his time. In order to paint one of my best paintings, I used only oil and cardboard.

  • The one depicted in the picture is very similar to the owner of "Tales from the Crypt".
  • The bright, as if bloody sky, dark earth and water demonstrate the cry of nature, which seems to be heard by the character depicted in the foreground.
  • Shout was always "at the top" of the museum robbers, once one of the versions of the paintings was stolen from the National Gallery. Several months later, it was restored.
  • Two paintings were stolen from the Munch Museum, The Creek and the Madonna, both recovered 2 years later.

7. Persistence of memory

Painted by the Spanish artist Salvador Dali in 1931. It is considered one of the best works, or one of the most famous paintings on the entire globe.


  • The main idea of ​​the picture is to let people think about how they live and what they spend their time on.
  • It is also believed that Albert Einstein's Theory of Relativity contributed to the painting.
  • The first show took place at the Julia Levy Gallery, in 1932. Now in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art, located in New York since 1934
  • The painting was given many names, for example, "Soft Clock" or "Liquid Clock".

8. Three musicians

The three music looks like a collage at first glance, although it is an oil painting. Painted by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso in 1921.

Some facts you might not know:

  • Pablo Picasso painted two similar paintings and both are referred to as The Three Musicians.
  • One of them is in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, and the second was found in the Museum of Art in Philadelphia.
  • Picasso completed this painting while in Fontainebleau, near Paris.

9. Girl with a pearl earring

She is also called "Danish Mona Lisa" or "Mona Lisa of the North". Painted by Danish artist Johannes Wermer in 1665.

Some facts about the painting:

  • The oil painting depicts a girl in a scarf and with a pearl earring in her ear.
  • Exhibited at the Royal Mauritshuis Gallery in The Hague, Netherlands - since 1902.
  • You can look at this girl endlessly.

10. Whistler's mother

The original name is Apartments in Gray and Black. This oil painting was painted by American James McNeil Whistler in 1871.

Interesting Facts:

  • It is considered the most famous painting by an American painted outside the States.
  • After acquisition by the French states in 1891, it is exhibited at the Musée d'Orshe in Paris.
  • It is considered a kind of symbol of America, sometimes it is called the "Victorian" Mona Lisa.
  • Anna McNeill Whistler specially posed for this picture when she and her son lived on Cheney Walk in Chelsea.

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