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10 of the most popular cats on the Internet

The Internet is perhaps the most beautiful place for cats if you don't know another where you can purr to your heart's content. We have explored the vastness of the global web in search of the most popular cats on the Internet. And the result is this list based on both Internet data and conventional media.

1. Grumpy cat Grumpy

The cat named Grumpy, which means "gloomy", took the first step to fame in 2012. Thanks to the sullen expression of his face, Grumpy quickly gained popularity on social networks and gained over 12 million subscribers to his account. Now Grumpy has absolutely no reason to be sullen, especially since he has more than doubled the popularity of cat # 2.

Facebook is the main source of drawing attention to Grumpy the cat. Here he has the most subscribers - about 8.7 million. Then follow: Instagram - 2.2 million; Twitter - 900 thousand; YouTube - more than 240 thousand. On Instagram, most of the fans suffering from daily love for cats are residents of the United States. The second and third places are taken by Great Britain and Canada. Despite the frowning expression of the muzzle, Grumpy's behavior is no different from ordinary cats. As its owners assure, Grumpy also rushes in circles, climbs trees and plays in every possible way.

2. Nala

Nala was taken away from her family at a young age and, sadly, nothing is known about the fate of her relatives. But Nala brought love to the house of her new owners. So say the new owners of Nala. They created an Instagram account specifically to share Nala's story with her friends and family back in another house. Nala's new owners could not have expected the glory that would fall upon them after the publication of this story. Now they are using the power of social networks to inform pet owners about the need to properly raise their pets.

Nala has an impressive number of subscribers - about 5.9 million. Most of her fans are on Instagram (3.4 million) and Facebook (2.5 million). Predictably, most of the subscribers are concentrated in the United States, but Indonesia is surprisingly in second place. The third place is traditionally occupied by Great Britain. In addition to promoting the sale of goods associated with her name, Nala participates in programs to help find new owners for abandoned animals on the website www.petfinder.ru.

3. A cat named Waffle

The cat's waffle was named because of its cockiness and for the same reason he could not find owners for a long time until he grew up. He became the last cat in the litter to find a new owner. It all happened when a couple, dog lovers, came to the house where Waffle lived and saw this cat. They immediately changed their preferences and Waffle found a new home.

Waffle's main audience is on Facebook and is about 2.5 million subscribers. Another half a million fans are on Instagram. Thus, the total number of Waffle fans is about 3 million users. Like most cat lovers, the majority of Waffle fans are women, mostly in the United States.

4. Lil Bab

This cat from the United States helped raise money for the American organization for the protection of animals (ASPCA) and has achieved very great success in this field. Since 2012, the amount of fees has exceeded 300 thousand dollars. In addition, a whole industry has developed around Lil Baba selling goods with the image of a cat. All these products are sold through a specialized online store dedicated to Lil Babu.

While in the United States, Lil Bab was able to earn 4.8 million votes in his homeland, of which 2.5 million are Facebook users. The invariably majority of the audience is women (about 74%) between the ages of 17 and 24.

Such a picture is quite understandable if you look at the image of a cat in which he looks like an example of impudence and attractiveness.

5. Cole and Marmalade

Both of these cats were taken by the owners from the shelter, but they are not related to each other. Chris, that is the host's name, was the first to host Cole in 2012. The cat belongs to the Turkish Angor breed. Marmalade became the second pet in the house a year later. Prior to that, he had to go through a difficult stage in his life associated with the fight against cancer. Interestingly, both cats have a hard time getting along with each other.

A website dedicated to Cole and Marmalade teaches owners how to treat cats how to wash, feed, and build relationships between pets. Cole and Marmalade are the 5th most popular on the network with about 2.3 million subscribers. As in most other cases, the bulk of the subscribers are Facebook users, women and residents of the United States.

6. Fumancat

Fumean is not the name of any one cat. This is the name of a brand from Taiwan dedicated to cats in general. Fumanket strives to show cats as living creatures that, like humans, deserve respect. Entire pages of this resource are dedicated to showing that cats have feelings too.

Fumanket dominates the Taiwanese media space with 2.5 million subscribers. This is followed by Malaysia and the United States, where the majority, as usual, are represented by Facebook and Instagram users.

7. Pudge the Cat

Pooj is a girl with a mustache. Yes, yes, you heard right. This unusual appearance first gave the cat one million views on YouTube, and then the number quickly increased to 2 million. Soon, fame spread evenly across all major social media platforms. The image of Pooja is used in their work by many well-known brands. The cat acts in films, for example, in the comedy "Nine Lives", or participates in photo shoots with celebrities, for example, with the famous singer Miley Cyrus.

Pooj has an astonishing number of views on YouTube - over 12 million, and 78% of them are women. And it is not surprising that this impudent person amuses such a significant number of the fair sex with her funny and stupid pictures.

8.Hipster cat named Hamilton

Hamilton is a funny cat with a furry mustache that made him a worldwide Internet celebrity. The owners of Hamilton created Nose Print, whose main task was to capture every moment of your pet's life. In addition, on this site you can share stories, get tips and advice on all matters related to funny and furry four-legged friends.

Hamilton and his fur mustache are based in the United States, where he has over 880,000 fans. 95% of them are Instagram users. Hamilton is mostly popular in North America. He has the largest army of fans in the United States, followed by Canada and the United Kingdom.

9. A cat with eyebrows named Sam

Sam is another abandoned cat that once found itself on the street. No one knew where Sam came from, and at first she even refused to drink the offered water. Fearing for Sam's life, kind people took the cat to an animal shelter, the workers of which assumed that Sam was simply thrown out into the street. And a few weeks after finding a new home, Sam's account appeared on Instagram.

The cat's popularity quickly grew to 230k on Instagram and 500k on Facebook. The USA, UK and Indonesia made up the main audience of Sam's fans, and as always, the majority turned out to be women (79%). Sam has a very playful personality, which is reflected in the pictures of his account. In Sam's photographs, you can see how the cat lies imposingly in various positions, or how it hides in secluded corners of the house.

10. Blind cat Oscar

It is both the name of the cat and the brand created to help animal lovers provide their pets with natural, sustainable food from independent companies. The visiting card of this information resource is a cat named Oscar. He is blind from birth and lives in a house with an older cat.As a rule, their images are paired and replicated on the Internet.

Oscar has about 650 thousand subscribers, including Facebook and Instagram. Most of the fans are on Instagram and geographically they are represented by residents of the USA, Canada and the UK, most of whom are young women aged 17 to 29 years.