
What to do if you hate your job. 7 tips

Hate your job but don't know what to do? Read this article and make your decision. Does each morning bring you a sense of imminent doom? Do you often lie in bed on sleepless nights and hate your life and yourself? Would you rather go to the dentist than to work?

If your answers are yes, then you hate your job and would give everything to send your boss a rude farewell letter if it were not for the fear of being left without means of subsistence.

All in all, most of us don't have the funds to quit our hateful job and pay our monthly bills. What should you do if the current situation does not suit you?

Why is it so hard to leave and even harder to stay?

Whining and complaining about your current job not only makes you miserable, it also annoys those around you. And to console yourself with the fact that it is better to have a bird in your hands than a pie in the sky is a bad philosophy.

If you don't like your job, then you are unlikely to be productive on it. This will not lead to anything good, in addition, this situation is unbearable, so you need to look for a way out. There are 5 reasons why people stay in jobs they hate.

Fear of change

One of the main reasons for not wanting to change a boring job is the fear of uncertainty. This is especially true for people of pre-retirement age, women who have left the decree, as well as employees who have long sat in one position.

Financial question

Yes, living expenses, unpaid bills, growing debts will bring the fear of God to anyone. Your already precarious financial situation can only get worse during a period of unemployment. Therefore, people do not leave their unloved jobs, at least not right away.

Lull in the labor market

Sometimes you don't change a boring job due to a lack of good jobs. Viewing specialized sites for personnel search leads you to the idea that, having left your current place, you risk becoming unemployed for a long time.

It's okay to be unhappy

So, you don't like your job. And what? There are many people in the world who will shrug their shoulders and say: "So what if you hate your job?" It’s part of your life, and you don’t have to love what you do. If this job provides your family with a good life, it will be a dear sacrifice, won't it?

All works are the same

And one final excuse: all the jobs in the world are bad in their own way and will make you miserable to one degree or another. Disgusting bosses, envious colleagues, heavy overwork. All works are like that, but only ... it's not like that.

What should you do if you don't like your job? Doing nothing is a bad decision.

We already understand that you do not like your work. And if you are still reading this article, then you have developed disgust, contempt and hatred for what you do, and this is not just a temporary dislike. The problem is that not loving your job and not doing anything is a bad decision. And this does not bode well for you, your work and the future.

As mentioned earlier, if we do not love what we do, then we are unlikely to be good at it. You will procrastinate, avoid additional responsibilities, and talk and complain about it all day long, making your coworkers and boss even more angry. And if your nagging reaches the boss, then you will have to look for a new job anyway.

What if you hate your job? Assess the situation and take positive action.

American writer Maya Angelou said: “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can't change that, change your attitude. "

And this is true for your complaint about what you do. In general, there are only two things you can do: change your job or change your attitude towards it.

1. Is it about work or about you?

Dissatisfaction or hatred of one's work can only be an external factor that hides internal reasons. Are you generally unhappy and hate your life? Or is it all about your unloved work? If there is a problem in your life that you are not happy with, make small changes every day and use whatever will help you become happy.

2. Identify what you dislike about work

First of all, in this situation, you need to determine what does not suit you at work. Bad boss? Laughing and unfriendly colleagues? New additional responsibilities that you cannot cope with or do not have the necessary conditions to fulfill them? Has the load suddenly increased or dropped? Has your job profile changed?

Compare all the positive and negative aspects of your activity. This will help solve the problem (if it can be resolved), and also tell you what you would not like to see in your new job if you decide to leave.

3. Discuss the problem with your boss.

Bosses can be a source of dislike for work. At the same time, they are sometimes only part of the process and are people just like you and me. Talk to your boss and discuss how you are unhappy with your job. You need to understand whether it is possible to resolve the situation at least partially. If so, then you should also accommodate. If your boss is the problem, find out if the company can move you to a similar position with a nicer boss.

4. If the situation is tolerable, don't leave

If your job doesn't get you up to speed and you get paid well, then getting fired may not be the best solution, especially if you have nothing in mind. Without a job, you will lose your salary, so think twice before leaving.

If you are going to quit, take care of a new place in advance. It is desirable that it be more like the job of your dreams. Or at least possessed something that is not in the current place.

5. Always be a good worker.

So, you are tired of your job, it is impossible to reach a compromise, there is no alternative in mind, and you are not going to quit. This does not mean at all that you need to fulfill your duties at random. You can hate work as much as you want, but you have to do it as well as possible. In general, stay strong in spirit.

6. Try to find the positives

You can't hate everything about your job, can you? Therefore, if you cannot change it, concentrate on its positive aspects and mentally isolate yourself from the negative ones. Think about the future. You may hate your current job, but if it is just a means to achieving your career goals over the next few years, then it makes sense.

7. Don't over-share your feelings.

Honestly, no one needs complaints in the office. If all you do is whine and moan, your coworkers will dislike you, and the friends you make at work will quickly turn away from you. Constantly criticizing everything you can will lead to even more alienation and make being in the current place unbearable. Therefore, it is better to put on a mask and work until you find a more suitable option.

Well, if work has begun to negatively affect your life, it may be time to look for a new job. But you always need to have a detailed care plan. Until that moment, you can put on a smile and endure and remember that everything will pass.

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