
How to Become Perfect Parents - 15 Tips

Parents, what does this word mean to us? Support and warmth. A shoulder in which to cry in difficult times. Tips to help you overcome challenges and grow. And of course love that protects boundless. All these are Parents.

Parents are a reflection of God. God cannot be everywhere and with everyone, so he created parents who are always with us. Parents are always valuable advice, strict teachers, best friends, defenders on whom you can always rely, and just our ideals. They are like hawks, spreading their wings to shelter their chicks from the difficulties of the world around them. Parents shelter their children from any troubles, misfortunes, insoluble problems, help to overcome obstacles and pain. With sweat and blood, they raise their children. And this is a debt that cannot be returned. Their love is boundless and immortal.

Parental work is more difficult and responsible than the work of Sisyphus. His task is to push a stone uphill and there are no other options. For parents, any negligence, oversight, can leave a deep mark on the child's life. The parenting path is the perfect balance between strictness and friendliness, control and trust, love and complete freedom.

Here are 15 basic qualities that ideal parents have:

15. Consent to disagreement

Agreeing to a disagreement is a situation in which the parties are unable to agree now, but may come to a compromise. Compromise is one of the key decisions in disputes with children. The conflict between generations can cause many disputes and conflicts. During puberty, children develop a rebellious mood, a desire to challenge their parents, causing more controversy. The ideal solution is to compromise at the right time.

14. Patience

Parenting requires an unlimited amount of patience from each parent. Geoffrey Chaucer, speaking of the importance of keeping calm and self-control, wrote that patience is “an all-conquering force”. When children are testing their parents' patience, you need to be able to control your anger and irritation.

Children are the embodiment of cheating, hooliganism, banter and mischief. Like older children, they love to “play with fire”, testing their nerves for strength. Schoolchildren are boycotting healthy eating. Teenagers are shocking with their actions and habits. Show disrespect, disobedience. Throwing late parties, becoming addicted to the Internet, or falling prey to bad company. Both young and adult they can become addicted to alcohol and drugs. This is how they challenge their parents. And in times like these, it is important to remain calm, patient, cool, and maintain healthy relationships with children.

This is why patience is one of the most important qualities in ideal parents. Therefore, when children test their strength with their actions, we remain calm and take a deep breath.

13. Ability to say no to excessive control

Avoid over-controlling the free spirits of children. You need to be able to balance between custody, control and complete freedom of children. Excessive control will only exacerbate their disobedience. Therefore, you need to trust your children, give them freedom, but at the same time look after them.

12. Be a wise conversationalist

Communication plays a key role in parent-child relationships, so it is very important for parents to be wise, witty, and challenging conversationalists. Severe refusals are not a sign of a good parent. Even if you need to deny the child's needs, you need to show interest, attention, giving a reasonable but confident refusal. You need to learn how to clearly express your thoughts in a friendly manner, without pressure from authority.

11. To direct the child on the right path

Your child is the result of your upbringing. Make sure to instill in them good and moral qualities. Be a friend, philosopher and mentor to your child at every stage of their life.

It is very important to devote enough time to children. No matter how busy the schedule is, you need to be able to allocate time for the child. By taking time as a child, you contribute to your child's future by shaping their future life.

10. Be a mentor

Being the best counselor and teacher for children is one of the ideal qualities of a parent. In addition to educating children, morality and values, you need to be able to be their advisers if necessary. Protect them, guide them on the right path. Teach your children throughout their lives. The advice you give them will always help when making decisions.

9. Never compare

Many parents constantly compare their children to others - this is a very big mistake. Parents should accept and understand the capabilities of their children and motivate them, and not lower their self-esteem in comparison with others. Comparing a child with another child leads to low self-esteem in children, destroys their faith in their capabilities. Therefore, parents should avoid comparison and guide, support, helping to achieve their goals, so that they can easily climb the career ladder.

8. Do not impose your dreams on the child.

In order to be the ideal parent, it is important to acknowledge the dreams and goals of your children. You cannot press and impose on the child dreams that you could not fulfill or that you chose for them. Let them follow their dreams. You need to stay on their side and support them in achieving their goals.

7. Show understanding

Many changes occur with children as they develop, which lead to problems, misunderstandings, and mood changes. It is important for parents to understand the cause of childhood irritability at every stage of life. You need to show understanding and support your children. Find the perfect solution to their problems. It is necessary for parents to understand that it also contributes to their relationship with their children, who can easily rely on them when problems arise.

6. Be a role model

Your child is your reflection. He inherits your habits, manners, behavior and attitudes towards other people. Children see you as an example, as they grow and develop, they change their way of life. Therefore, if you expect the child to be the embodiment of goodness, you must be yourself. If you are a good person, compassionate, loving, caring, then the child will learn from you and follow your example.

5. Trust your child

Trust and faith are the key to healthy parent-child relationships. You need to show enough trust in your children and believe in your strengths and ambitions. Faith in a child strengthens self-confidence, self-esteem and self-esteem, which increases the effectiveness of parenting. Knowing his parents, trusting them, the child refrains from any immoral actions. These actions could well threaten the honor of the child and his parents. Thus, trust has many benefits that strengthen relationships with children.

4. Make the child feel like "behind a stone wall"

Support children in their endeavors, decisions and relationships in life at different stages. Perhaps someday, they will need help with school projects, advice on relationships at school, or simply need support to achieve their goals. By supporting your child, you help him feel "like a stone wall."

3. Be friends first, then parents

A parent is the first friend a child has in life. Talk to your child as if you were his age. This step is very important, it allows children to trust and open their hearts in case of any problems or conflicts.

Children also go through a sea of ​​emotions and problems - the inability to cope with the problems with their studies, difficulties in forming healthy relationships, bullying at school from peers, etc. All children have different developmental cycles, and at each stage you must speak to them as their friends, allowing them to speak sincerely from the bottom of your heart. Therefore, let's be frank, friendly and welcoming with our children, so they will always know that they always have a friend to whom they can turn.

2. Spread your wings over the child

Childcare is one of the most important qualities of an ideal parent. Caring is another word for love. Parents should spread their wings over their children, creating a kind of shield, protecting and guarding against problems and issues in their lives. It is necessary to show care and concern for the child, his health, education, behavior and relationships. However, do not overdo it with protection, it can lead to rebellion in children.

1. Love

Love is the most important factor that binds a child to their parents. Parental love for a child is unparalleled. Love is what makes a child strong, confident and courageous. Knowing that he is loved, supported and encouraged, the child can cope with any challenges in life. Every child needs love. So make sure you show enough love by inspiring and encouraging him to walk the path of honor and not dishonor himself and his parents.

All parents love their children in their own way and have their own way of showing love. However, by following the tips above, you can become ideal parents so that your kids are happy to have parents like you.

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