
14 most dangerous drugs in the world

A number of studies have been conducted to determine which drugs are the most dangerous in the world. A drug like marijuana has been legalized in some countries around the world and has a list of medical uses. However, there are some hard drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, which almost always lead to addiction and harm the health of those who use them.

Some of these drugs cause serious harm to health and there are many reports of overdose deaths. And, even if consumed in reasonable quantities, it entails constant physical and mental disturbances. Below are the most dangerous drugs:

14. Marijuana

Marijuana, popularly known as herb, shmal, is a controversial drug that is legalized in many places around the world. It is also one of the most used drugs in the world. Marijuana has few side effects and is viewed as a non-addictive drug. The maximum that it causes is temporary memory loss, psychosis, impaired motor function, increased heart rate, lower blood pressure.

13. LSD or acid

LSD (LySergic acid Diethylamide), more popular as an acid, is a psychedelic drug known for its hallucinogenic effects. It changes consciousness and causes hallucinations with closed and open eyes, automatic and involuntary images come to a person and he loses the sense of time.

The drug does not cause persistent dependence after the first use, but its effect lasts more than 12 hours. Some physical side effects include fever, heart palpitations, high blood pressure, insomnia, and loss of appetite.

12. Amphetamine

Popularly known as speed (speed), this drug is usually used for recreational purposes, but has found its use in the treatment of attention deficit disorders. The risk of addiction to amphetamine is low, but as the dose increases, you stop feeling it and start using it more and more.

One of the side effects of the drug is "speed psychosis" or withdrawal from reality. Highly addicts are prone to clinical psychosis, which are similar in clinic to schizophrenia with signs of delusion, hallucinations and increased agitation.

11. Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazepines, called benzos in certain circles, are a class of psychoactive drugs with some medical use. Valium is the most famous of the prescribed sedatives used as a sedative and antidepressant. This is probably the most affordable drug, an overdose of which is not fatal, but the dependence is very high.

Some of them are used to reduce dependence on other drugs, such as heroin. Benzodiazepines cause psychosis and increase the risk of psychopathy, as well as block the mechanisms responsible for overdose.

10. Bath salts

No, these are not the same salts that you add to your bathtub. Bath salts are a synthetic crystalline drug that is predominantly prevalent in the United States. It is similar to a methadrone belonging to the amphetamine drug group. The innocent name for this drug comes from the fact that it is usually sold online under the guise of bath salts.

It also leads to serious consequences, including unusual mental behavior, psychosis, panic attacks, aggressive behavior. There is also the possibility of overdose, which leads to heart attacks.

9. Scopalamin

Scopalamin is made from nightshade native to South America. It is usually in powder form, but it can also be used as a tea. Due to its high toxicity, which turns it into a potent poison, it is often used by criminals.

Under the influence of this drug, a person loses a sense of self-control and becomes unable to remember something. It causes hallucinations at low doses and disrupts normal brain function at high doses.

8. Ketamine

Ketamine, more commonly known as an equine tranquilizer, was originally developed as a medicine for humans. Presumably it was used as an anesthetic to relieve pain. Despite this, one of the side effects associated with the use of this drug is hallucinations. Higher doses of ketamine are potentially fatal and highly addictive. But as soon as addiction appears, the craving for the drug also grows.

Genitourinary problems, memory loss and mental health problems are just some of the side effects. The drug is the cause of extreme withdrawal from reality, which can be fatal for the addict.

7. Desomorphine (crocodile)

A drug, the number of users of which is growing every day. It is believed that over 1 million Russians use the drug due to the fact that it is produced at home and therefore widely available. It attracts those who use it at an extremely low cost, but becomes even more dangerous due to the fact that it is made by non-professionals.

It adds scary ingredients like pain pills, iodine, gasoline, and household cleaners (bleach, pipe cleaner, etc.). Such a nuclear mixture makes the drug very dangerous, its use is fraught with rotting organs and tissues and even gangrene.

6. Opiates

Opiates are made from the opium poppy, which contains psychoactive compounds such as morphine, codeine and thebaine. The side effects of this drug are drowsiness, respiratory depression, constipation and a persistent state of euphoria. Morphine is often prescribed officially for severe pain (for cancer patients, for example), but due to its highly addictive nature, it is under strict control in medical institutions.

Drug use can cause nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, itching and hormonal imbalance, leading to malfunctioning of human reproductive function.

5. Tobacco

Tobacco is probably the only drug that has caused the slow and painful deaths of millions of people over the years. Smoking has a detrimental effect not only on the smoker, but also passively harms the people around him. However, this long-term addiction drug is not only legal but also uncontrollable. Tobacco contains nicotine and is made from plants of the nightshade family.

Nicotine acts on the central nervous system, increases blood pressure, disrupts the heartbeat, provokes blood clots and can disrupt the vascular system. Compared to other drugs, it is highly addictive and widely known to be the culprit in diseases such as cancer.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol is probably the fastest addictive drug on this list and its dangers are ignored due to the fact that it is widespread throughout the world. Alcohol is at the top of this list, is widely consumed and is responsible for high mortality rates. Intoxication disrupts the basic functions of brain activity, physical activity and, alcohol abuse is the cause of cancerous tumors or liver diseases.

Alcohol is also a highly addictive drug, and alcoholism is a serious social threat that, despite the harm and damage to health, continues to grow. Alcohol abuse is the most common type of drug addiction, included in the list of the most dangerous drugs in the world.

3. Crystalline meth

Crystalline meth, methamphetamine, appeared in the 19th century and was used primarily by the Nazis as a stimulant. It reappeared in the 1950s in the United States as a cure for obesity. Methamphetamine is addictive and highly hazardous to health. Through the blood, it enters the brain, producing high levels of dopamine, which leads to euphoria, at the same time, touching dopamine receptors, so addicts need a higher dose to overcome addiction.

It suppresses appetite and has side effects such as dizziness, blurred vision, attention disorder, and increased activity. Consuming crystal meth causes skin conditions such as acne, as well as dental diseases that rot due to persistent dry mouth and lack of oral hygiene.

2. Heroin

Heroin is the world's most dangerous drug, causing thousands of deaths worldwide every year. Usually the street dose is diluted with white powder, but from time to time it is possible to achieve 50-60% purity of the powder. This is why there are so many accidental heroin overdoses. The addiction to this drug develops very quickly. Physical withdrawal occurs when a person tries to quit the drug, but psychological withdrawal is even more difficult to endure.

Heroin completely subjugates the neural functions of a person and literally sucks life out of him. Side effects: holding your breath, seizures, disorientation, unusual behavior, unconsciousness, and sometimes no signs of brain function leading to sudden death.

1. Cocaine

Despite the glamor among celebrities and luxury people, cocaine is a very common drug. The physiological consequences of addiction to this drug are negligible, the psychological ones are destructive. Some cocaine users can lead to suicidal tendencies. It acts on several neurotransmitters at once and is extremely dangerous for the nerve center of the brain.

Some of the side effects of cocaine use are liver, kidney and lung disease, and circulatory disorders, which often lead to heart attacks and strokes and ultimately death. It has been banned in many countries due to the high number of deaths.

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