
10 foods that will transform your hair

Hair for women is the personification of femininity. Hair is the main decoration, an important detail of the personality, since it is they that are the reflection of your actions, motives. Moreover, hair plays a decisive role in appearance. When the hairstyle is out of order, it affects confidence and self-esteem.

But instead of wasting time, money, and energy visiting beauty salons, try starting by changing your diet. This does not take a lot of work and time. You just need to remember a few important, but simple points and see the changes occurring in the hair.

We will also show you how to get rid of permanent dandruff, thinning and hair loss. So what needs to be done to keep your hair long, strong and beautiful? Let's go!

1. Eggs

You may not eat eggs because of your high cholesterol levels, but the vitamin H they contain is very good for your hair Hair is mainly made up of protein, and eggs are a rich source of protein. Chicken and duck eggs are rich in sulfur, iron and zinc.

Vitamin B, found in eggs, promotes hair growth and hair follicle renewal. Thus, the hair becomes thick and voluminous. If you have brittle hair, be aware that foods that do not contain vitamin H can easily lead to dry and brittle hair.

Egg hair masks are very popular right now. To keep your hair long and shiny, you can try applying an egg mask once a week.

2. Walnuts

Walnuts are healthy in many ways. Thanks to them, the skin becomes smooth, hair - healthy, eyes - bright, and bones - strong. Additionally, walnuts can help eliminate dandruff, dryness, and flaky scalp and hair. The secret of walnuts lies in the content of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.

Plus, peanuts, gray nuts, hazelnuts, cashews and almonds also contain vitamin H (yes, so do eggs), and of course they help hair grow long, strong and beautiful. In addition, the hair has its own natural oil and is not devoid of shine.

3. Vegetables and brown rice

Leafy vegetables like spinach and broccoli can do wonders for your hair. They not only provide the hair with beta-carotene, iron, vitamins A and C, but also regulate blood flow to the hair follicles. This is very important if you want your hair to look like a shampoo ad.

Also, the minerals form a natural scalp oil that works as a hair conditioner. Moreover, thanks to minerals, you can say goodbye to dry hair. Hair grows and renews itself at the same time.

Brown rice is rich in B vitamins and complex carbohydrates, which proteins need to build strong hair. Brown rice is very beneficial and essential for the health of your hair.

4. Bananas

A deficiency in vitamin B6 leads to hair loss, resulting in thinning hair. Bananas can help avoid this. In addition, vitamin B6 helps the body absorb essential nutrients from food. The production of red blood cells is increased, which has a positive effect on the hair follicles.

5. Carrots and sweet potatoes

If you thought that carrots are good only for the eyes, then you are greatly mistaken. In fact, carrots are versatile and contain vitamin A reserves, which help your hair stay shiny.

Sweet potatoes and pumpkin - just like carrots - contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. This vitamin resists dandruff, dryness and itching. For bouncy hair, don't forget about these vegetables.

6. Beans and whole grains

Beans are high in iron-rich protein, therefore they are very healthy. The hair will be supplied with nutrients. Lentils are a huge source of iron and folate and can end hair loss. In addition, lentils will make your hair strong and beautiful.

Cereals and baked goods, thanks to the content of B vitamins, iron and zinc, will make hair thicker. Zinc is essential because it is involved in the endocrine system and hormones are important for hair growth and density.

7. Red meat

Doctors disapprove of eating red meat, and they have a million reasons to back it up. However, it's not all bad. Red meat contains a lot of iron, and iron treats hair loss. In fact, it promotes hair regrowth.

8. Oranges

Oranges and lemons are just bathed in vitamin C, but how is it related to hair health? We all have tiny vessels that pump blood to hair follicles, and vitamin C controls this process. Vitamin C is really important for hair and without it, it will become brittle and dry.

9. Chicken and fish

Chicken meat is rich in protein. Thanks to the protein, the hair remains strong and retains its color. Hair follicles need iron, which can be found easily in chicken meat.

Fatty acids such as omega-3s are commonly found in fish meat. In addition, it contains iron and vitamin B12. Hair follicles need iron, so eating fish will be good for your hair.

Interestingly, iron maintains the hemoglobin stores of red blood cells. Hemoglobin carries oxygen throughout the body and also takes care of the immune system.

10. Cheeses and yoghurts

To include proteins such as casein and whey in your diet, you need to resort to dairy products, namely cheese and yogurt. They contribute to the length and strength of your hair.

Hope you found this list helpful and you learned how to make dietary changes for flawless, healthy hair.

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