
6 amazing properties of beets

Intense, earthy taste, crunchy in the mouth, but what I love most about beets is their incredible pink color, which can be from light to deep tones. The very bright shade makes beets one of the royal vegetables that will become an important component of the dish. Beets have this color thanks to a pigment called betanin, which is often used to create natural dyes.

Interestingly, beets were also used to add color to the wine. Originally from Europe, the Romans first began to grow beets. In the 19th century, it was discovered that beets contain a large amount of sugar, and later sucrose was obtained from it. For many years, beets were not included in the main diet. But her sweet taste, health benefits and rustic charm made her an important dish on the table again.

It's hard to resist the juicy ruby ​​red beets, especially when you know how many health benefits they have.

1. Helps with poisoning

Beets are considered to be an excellent purifier. It cleanses the body, draws out toxins. Some research suggests that beetroot juice can also stimulate red blood cell formation and boost immunity.

2. Low in fat and calories

Despite being high in sugar, beets are low in calories and fat. Beets are very fibrous and low in calories. It is very nutritious and perfect for those looking to lose weight.

3. Helps Maintain Heart Health

Research has shown that the high nitrate content of beets produces a gas called nitric oxide. This gas helps to relax and dilate the blood vessels, which improves blood flow and lowers blood pressure. Also check out our 10 Tips for a Healthy Heart article.

4. Rich in antioxidants

Betanine, the pigment that gives beets their pink color, is a powerful antioxidant. Betanine, as well as polyphenol, another class of antioxidants, are well studied by the scientific community. Antioxidants reduce the oxidation of bad cholesterol, protect artery walls, and protect against heart disease and stroke.

5. Contains folic acid, fiber, vitamin C

Most people think that diabetics should avoid eating beets because of the sugar they contain. This is not true. Beets are an excellent source of fiber and minerals such as iron, potassium and manganese, which are essential for good health and when combined with other foods, they are well absorbed by the body.

Vitamin C boosts immunity, folic acid is essential for normal tissue growth, and fiber promotes good digestion. Also, beets contain much more protein and iron than most other root vegetables and tubers.

6. Indispensable for hair care

Beetroot is one of the best home remedies for dandruff and itchy scalp. You can boil the beets and use the resulting concentrated water to massage the scalp. Alternatively, you can mix some beetroot juice with vinegar and ginger juice and apply it to your scalp. Leave this mask on for 20 minutes and then wash off. Also check out this article on 7 Natural Ways to Strengthen Hair.

The nutrients in beets are heat sensitive. With an increase in cooking time and temperature, the content of antioxidants decreases. Beets are rich in vitamin C, which is a water-soluble vitamin that can be destroyed by cooking. Beetroot also loses more than 25% of folic acid during cooking. It is best to steam or bake the beets at a low temperature. Fresh beets can be added to soup or mashed.

You can also marinate the beets with olive oil and herbs and fry a little for a spicy flavor. Grilling makes the beets less sweet and gives them a smoky flavor.

The next time you bring home beets, do not throw out the tops, because they are rich in iron, calcium, vitamins A, K and C. They also contain vitamin K, which plays an important role in the blood clotting process. The average man needs 120 mcg of vitamin K per day, and the average woman needs 90 mcg.... One glass of beet tops contains 152 mcg of this vitamin. The tops have a certain bitterness. It can be cooked like spinach.

Beet juice is a more concentrated source of betanin, but boiled beets are much higher in fiber. Traditionally, beetroot juice has been used as a blood purifier and to cleanse the liver. It is also a natural remedy for anemia or iron deficiency.

Beet juice contains all the essential nutrients that can be lost during cooking. Plus, it's easier to digest. Runners and athletes are often advised to drink beet juice because it allows muscles to use oxygen more efficiently and increases endurance.

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On the Encyclopedia of Beauty channel, they talk about the benefits and contraindications of beetroot juice and how to use it correctly.