
7 tips to speed up your smartphone

We all know that feeling when you look at the phone, click on the icon “Home"And nothing happens. Absolutely nothing. You think: "It’s only one in the afternoon, how could he run out of power so quickly ?!" or "Fine! And how am I going to kill time at work now?»

Have you ever had something that you play "Angry Birds ", the phone suddenly freezes and you lose the level that you tried to reach for 10 minutes?

Whether it's in the office (even though you shouldn't be on the phone) or on the bus on the way home, no one wants their phone to run out of power or accidentally freeze. This is the situation in modern society. Everyone wants a phone to do everything, but that's when it stops running smoothly and starts to slow down. According to the program "AnTuTu Benchmark»The best in terms of functioning is iPhone 7 Plus... Maybe this phone won't slow down until the new millennium arrives.

For those who like to hang on their phone, the good news is that there are easy ways to speed up your phone and make it last longer. Just follow the tips below. Also take a look at the 10 most anticipated smartphones of 2017.

1. Delete old games that you no longer play

Everyone had such that they suddenly wanted to download the game, but then you delete it. There is no point in denying it, and that's okay. Let's just accept this fact and move on. Games "eat»A lot of charging and taking up too much memory on the phone, which is unlikely to be liked by anyone. Games and other useless apps not only drain power while you play them, but can also continue to function when minimized.

In addition, less memory will remain on the phone, and this will further slow down its operation. So what are you waiting for? Remove unnecessary games and applications that only take up space on your phone, and go to save the real world! You might be interested in the article 10 Best Ways to Save Mobile Traffic.

2. For your own phone, update the software

Perhaps one of the worst moments is when a message like this pops up on your phone screen:

«Software update available. Update now?»

Even a new iPhone needs to be updated within a few months. (Creepy, isn't it?) Just a second is enough to hit "Later" or "Not Now", right? (I always do this just to get rid of this notice.)

Still, it's better to take the advice of the experts and just install the update. Sometimes, after a software update, new useful programs appear that will improve the phone's performance until the next update.

Do not forget to read the article TOP-10 software manufacturers in the world.

3. Say goodbye to background activity

Let's do this. Take your phone and check how many apps are running in the background. Is Wi-Fi connected, even if there is no free Wi-Fi where you are at the moment? How is information loaded?

To accept the fact that the phone is not working at full capacity, first of all, you need to look the problem in the eye and say: “I see you applications in the background. I'm not afraid to close you».

Close unused apps and turn off features such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and then you'll see for yourself that your phone will start working much faster and without interruption. At least until you activate them again in five minutes. *sigh*

4. Clean up your memory

Do you really want this five-year-old video of your cousin's birthday fireworks, or this funny picture that has been hanging in the vault for months? Take some time to clean your phone as well as your laptop / desktop. Even if you recently deleted unnecessary applications, you probably still have hundreds of old photos and useless files left.

Periodic cleaning will only benefit your smartphone.

5. Let your mobile take a nap

Phones are like us in the sense that they get tired of the daily work just like us. Unless, of course, you give them invigorating "coffee", that is, do not connect to an outlet for charging.

However, just charging is not enough. Your phone needs periodic rest to keep it functioning properly. The same as for us. Give the phone "take a nap"Means to turn it off completely for a few hours.

6. Format your phone

If you can't figure out why your smartphone is running at the speed of a 70-year-old snail, you can format it. For those who don't know, formatting your phone means cleaning it up completely. That is, you start the phone from scratch, completely clearing it of everything that is in it. Remember to back up all your apps, photos, music, and contacts so that you can transfer them back to your phone eventually.

Believe me, this is not as scary as it might seem. This is the most effective "medicine”You can give to your phone and it usually works!

7. Disable animation

Most phones, unless you live in a flip-up cell phone world, have animations and fancy wallpapers to make your smartphone experience more enjoyable. But think, do you really need those goldfish floating in the background or the live wallpaper you just downloaded from Google?

If you really want to improve your phone's performance, then it's okay to just turn off all this animation.
So get in Settings phone and make it easier to work with with a few clicks.

And finally ...

It can be useful to conduct analysis to find out which applications are taking up more memory space, using more information, or spending the most power.

To do this, just go to Settings... There is a list of your favorite applications, and you can see which ones are better to say goodbye to, or at least use less often. (For example, Snapchat!)

So, you have deleted hundreds of pictures of your dog from your phone and even the latest version of Angry Birds, you can be proud of yourself! You can pat yourself on the back.

Now your smartphone should work much faster. Use the above methods every +/- 2 weeks to keep your phone running efficiently.

We recommend watching:

Useful video from IRON-NEWS how to speed up your Android smartphone. Programs for optimizing the operation of a smartphone are described, the methods described in the video are suitable for both beginners and advanced users.