
Single yalinkas and pine trees in Ukraine: how to choose a new beauty?

An invisible attribute of the celebration of New Rock and Christmas is a yalinka or a pine tree - a tree that spokonvikiv embellished the houses of Ukrainians. In the coming autumn-winter season, people are thinking about buying them more and more often. Decilka options - “alive” like a piece of wood, and here more and more Ukrainians give priority to the very piece of yalinkas and pines. The stench does not require water and does not deprive the smell, and the smut - for the improvement of the house, it is not necessary to see the “alive” tree.

How much respect should be given when buying a piece of yalinka and pine?

So that the piece of wood helped to create the Svyatkov atmosphere, respectfully stepping up to your choice. First of all, it is necessary to name the main characteristics:

  • type of tree - yalinka chi pine. The first one is seen with a cone-like shape, with needles, straight down, the darker one. Pine maє gіlki, scho straight up the hill that does not cover the trunk. In the form of a yalinka, it also looks like it has lowered heads and an oval crown;
  • height - pine and yalinka, up to 90 cm high, go to people, in the houses of which there is not so rich space. In order to create a festive Christmas mood, varto see the victory of pine and Yalints, 120–180 cm high.
  • decorations - decotry pieces of wood are sold at once with novelty toys, a bright light or cones. The stench is good for people who do not waste time on decorating a tree. Well, for the purchase of improvement of yalinka and pine trees - an important ritual, you can choose a tree with a minimum quantity or burn it without decor.

Another, no less important selection criterion is the price of a tree. Won to lie down according to the type of collection, rozmіrіv, material and other important officials. Models, prepared from high-quality materials, are laminated richer. The very same їх varіst vishcha.

De zamoviti piece yalinka or pine?

To buy a tree, to serve as rocks in the building, to turn around to the wrong seller. For whom it is enough to go to the website of the urbantree online store, where you can check for the best new beauties at affordable prices.

Clients of the company can choose the most popular models from the catalog of classic yalinas and pines, premium yalinas. Dodatkovo online store offers new accessories and original new handmade toys to purchasers.