
How to make sex less painful

Sex should be fun – for example, flexion of the toes, tingling in the back, arching of the back is good. But recent studies show that 30 percent of women experience pain during intercourse. While an injury can be a symptom of a serious problem, such as endometriosis, more often than not, the cause is less serious. "Most conditions that cause pain during intercourse are easily treatable," says Debbie Herbenick, Ph.D., associate director of the Sexual Health Advocacy Center at Indiana University. Read on to find the perpetrators of sexual destruction and how to treat them.

It feels like his penis is made of sandpaper.

Likely culprit: dryness of the vagina. “Lack of lubrication is the most common cause of painful sex,” Gerbenick says. Certain medications, including pills, antidepressants, and some allergy and cold medicines, can stop the juice from flowing. The same can be done before sex in a warm bath, which dries out the tissues of the vagina.

How to fix: Apply some water-based lubricant to the girl's body parts during foreplay. An Indiana University study found that women who used lube while at work reported significantly less pain and – bonus! - a much higher level of satisfaction. Choose positions that allow you to control the stimulation (for example, a woman on top), and if necessary, stop to reapply.

Your genitals itch like crazy and the penetration only makes it worse.

Likely culprit: While various conditions can lead to itching, the most common cause is a yeast infection, which can result from taking antibiotics. Research also suggests a link between frequent oral sex and recurrent yeast infections; women suffering from this disease are three times more likely to undergo frequent oral love.

Solution: in 66% of cases, self-diagnosis is inaccurate, so it's wise to see a doctor to rule out other causes, especially if you've never had a yeast infection before. In the meantime, postpone sex for a few days. While your boyfriend can't get a real infection, he may develop temporary itching or a rash on his penis.

It looks like it's about to burst your cervix.

Likely culprit: no, it's not too big for you (most A tabs can fit in slot B). You are probably just in a hurry. “Many women think that if they are excited, then they are ready for sex,” Herbenick says. “But your body needs time to lift your uterus and make room for your vagina to expand. The latter can stretch from four inches in length to a fully aroused seven inches."

Solution: Don't skimp on warming up before a game. Most women need a good 20 minutes of foreplay to make sure their parts are ready for action. Look fast trackers, just adding lube isn't the best way to go. "This may make it easier to enter, but it won't change the length or shape of your vagina," Gerbenick says.

Sex after childbirth leaves you painful and distressed.

Likely Culprit: New mothers, especially those who are breastfeeding, may experience a sharp drop in estrogen levels, causing the vagina to become drier than in the Sahara, and the walls of the vagina are prone to rupture. Scar tissue from a poorly healed episiotomy can also cause penetration problems.

Correction: take a break from intercourse for a while. Even if your doctor has given you a go ahead in six weeks, know that many women aren't physically ready for three months or longer, says Elizabeth G. Stewart, MD, author on gynecology.The V book . Applying a low-dose prescription estrogen cream can help with dryness and make the vaginal tissue more elastic (it's safe to use while breastfeeding). Also, use plenty of lubricant.

It seems as if shards of glass cut through the outer part of the vagina.

Likely culprit: ulvodynia, a possible disorder of the nervous system. It affects up to 16 percent of women and is notoriously difficult to identify. Doctors often misdiagnose this as a yeast infection.

Correction. Prescription lidocaine can help control nerve sensitivity; so can specialized physiotherapy. You can also get relief from a vibrator. Studies show that it can confuse nerve endings and reduce pain. Harsh chemicals in personal care products can make things worse, so buy fragrance-free soaps.

Your vagina acts like a Venus flytrap. As soon as he tries to enter, the door closes.

Likely culprit: vaginismus. This painful but treatable condition causes the muscles at the entrance to the vagina to spasm upon penetration, making sexual intercourse nearly impossible in severe cases.

Correction: experts aren't sure what causes the condition, but they do know what helps: stretching exercises that start with the insertion of a tampon or finger and gradually progress to intercourse. Your doctor may also prescribe pelvic floor physical therapy to break down muscle knots with massage (yes, really!). A new study shows that Botox injections also help relax overactive vaginal muscles.

After sex, an itchy rash appears around the vulva, resembling hives.

Likely culprit: an allergic reaction, probably due to latex condoms. If you don't close this, you may be allergic to your partner's semen, which is the case for approximately 40,000 women in the United States.

Solution: choose synthetic rubber or natural sheepskin condoms (just be aware that they don't provide the same protection against sexually transmitted infections as latex ones). If you're in a serious relationship and allergic to semen, the good news is that the cure is more sex, not less. During a simple outpatient procedure, a doctor injects diluted semen into the vagina over several hours to enhance desensitization. After that, you need to do it every two days for a few weeks and then every three days for a few months to build up your tolerance, says David J. Resnick, MD, director of allergies at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. If that sounds too strong, start using rubbers.