
R.I.P. Luigi (1983-2018)

Luigi Mario, better known to friends and family as Luigi, died in 2018 at the age of 35. He is survived by his twin brother Mario and his son Waluigi.

Born and raised in Flatbush, Brooklyn, Luigi has worked as a plumber, tennis player, ghost hunter, doctor, golfer, martial artist, basketball player, and racing kart driver. He was taller than his brother, but often lived in Mario's shadow - a heartbreaking irony that haunted Luigi throughout his short life.

Although often called a coward, Luigi's accomplishments were so great that the world celebrated his 30th birthday by declaring 2013 the Year of Luigi, a time of joy, honor and world peace. Most countries have celebrated the Year of Luigi with festivals in his honor, and many have argued that these were the last moments of happiness in the modern era.

The following year showed us Luigi's darker side as he turned evil and vindictive, becoming best known for his gruesome stare. Friends and family members point out that he never recovered from Luigi's year, which he saw as the peak of his career.

Luigi's life was tragically cut short when he explored a haunted castle and encountered a horrific incarnation of Death, who cut the soul out of a plumber's body with a scythe. Now he is dead.