
10 deadliest hiking trails

While most people, going on vacation, choose secluded resorts for recreation, others, on the contrary, prefer to play with death. Fortunately, the world has enough deadly tourist routesto meet this demand. These places can be safely attributed to the most dangerous and extreme beaches in the world, teeming with sharks, poisonous insects and snakes. Along with the most dangerous routes, there are the most beautiful roads in the world, mesmerizing with magnificent landscapes.

10. Rock Half Dome, located in Yosemite National Park

Half Doumey claimed the lives of 60 people. Climbing the rock takes a whole day, during which time you climb 1500 meters, burn about 4000-10,000 calories. All you have to do is walk the last 120 meters along the vertical slope using metal cables.

Hikers are discouraged from climbing during wet weather due to the dangerous combination of slippery ropes and rocks. So dangerous that the lower part of the slope was nicknamed tombstones. Deaths were recorded here even in dry weather.

In 2012, a man needed the help of rescuers after he slipped off a lifting cable while trying to catch a radio dropped by a man from above. 2011 claimed the lives of three tourists who ignored the handrails and fell into Vernal Falls, a man who slipped and fell into the river, and another man who slipped off a cable and fell 180 meters.

Falling and drowning are not all the dangers that lie in wait here. There are records of tourists who were struck by lightning during the ascent. The Yosemite Rescue Squad has to rely not only on helicopters for emergency assistance, but also on sniffer dogs.

9. Alnik gardens

Due to the lack of a certain adventurous touch in ordinary gardens, Jane Percy, Duchess of Northumberland, decided to make Alnice Gardens something incredibly special. When the Duchess became the head of the Alnik economy, she inherited the gardens.

Initially, she wanted to create a section of plants with medicinal properties in the garden, but after changing her mind, she decided that the section of poisonous plants was more interesting. As a result, a fenced section of plants was formed, called Poison Garden... The section is full of warning signs. Although visitors are at a relatively safe distance from plants and cannot directly smell or touch them, some faint due to toxic fumes. Some of the plants presented here have quite interesting properties.

8. Hawaiian volcanoes

If you are planning a vacation near an active volcano, then Hawaii is the best choice. Despite numerous reports of the death of tourists, the flow of hot sensations continues unabated, forcing the local authorities to close some routes. For example, cycling touring the volcanoes was banned in 2007 after three tourists died and many tourists were seriously injured over the course of several months. The bottom line was that for a fee, tourists were given the opportunity to cycle down the volcanic slope. Death occurred as a result of loss of control.

Geotourism in Hawaii exposes people to many dangers - lava, volcanic gases emitted into the atmosphere, are no less dangerous. A significant number of deaths, both among tourists and among employees of Hawaii National Park, are associated with volcanic fog. It is a hellish mixture of hydrochloric acid, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide.

7. Skellig-Michael

Skellig Michael was the most frequently mentioned Star Wars filming location in the news. It is the most beautiful and integral part of Irish culture. In the interval between the 6th and 8th centuries, the place served as a home for monks, due to its inaccessibility and inconvenient landscape, which, however, has not changed to this day. Skellig Michael is a World Heritage Site.

On the official website of this unique place, you can watch a video explaining that no one is responsible for the safety of tourists. To get here, it takes an hour to sail on a boat in the open ocean, but even after that, success is not guaranteed: it is not uncommon for landfalls to be impossible due to high waves. The area is also famous for rock collapse and dangerous stone staircases that are more than 1000 years old.

In 2009, two deaths were recorded, which led to the creation of a report on the safety conditions on the island. It was decided that the installation of railings and fences would not only contribute to the destruction of the natural beauty and uniqueness of the territory, but also give people a sense of false security, therefore, despite public outcry, warning signs were the only security measures taken.

6. Bon-V'azhen beach

With a wide sandy beach, mesmerizing sunsets, perfect weather and warm, clear ocean waters, the beach looks like the perfect vacation spot. Bon Vyazhen beach has always attracted tourists, but since 1992, shark attacks on people have been recorded in this picturesque place. In the period 1992-2012, 56 attacks were recorded on the beach. One third of the attacks here are fatal.

The reason for this behavior of sharks lies in the fact that the port of Suape was built on shark spawning grounds. Moreover, in 1984, the beach deprived sharks of safe places in which they could give birth and feed juveniles. Another reason for shark danger is the habit of following ships and eating garbage thrown overboard; at this time, they stumble upon unsuspecting tourists. Unfortunately, despite the presence of a beach detachment of shark hunters, it is often impossible to prevent attacks due to the extreme litter of local waters.

5. Colorado River

Rafting on a rough river can be fun and busy for the whole family, but the Colorado River is notorious for that. In 2007, 12 deaths and 176 serious injuries were recorded here. According to a report from local authorities, the problem for the holidaymakers was not poor preparation or neglect of safety rules, but a personal attitude towards recreation. In many cases, the cause of the tragedy was the consumption of alcohol while rafting on the fast streams of class V - this is what made 2014 one of the deadliest in the history of this river system, when 15 deaths were recorded in the first 7 months.

4. Beaches of Acapulco

Acapulco is a word that has become synonymous with a chic, widely accessible vacation spot with beaches, good weather and huge houses built for the comfort of holidaymakers. The problem is that all of this is located in a city with a very high crime rate.

In January and February 2013 alone, 200 murders were committed here. General statistics for the year - 142 killed per 100,000 people. The situation is aggravated by the fact that no official information about the most criminal areas simply exists.

Despite the guarantees from the authorities, the media are increasingly reporting on horrific incidents taking place in this "beach paradise", including, for example, the incident of the rape of 6 women who came here on vacation. Later, the mayor of Acapulco claimed that this was happening all over the world.

The tourist department advises tourists, when visiting Acapulco, not to go outside the special tourist centers, as well as to strictly plan their movement and fuel consumption in case of traveling by car, so that by chance they do not get stuck in the middle of especially criminal areas. It is also not recommended to leave the hotel after sunset.

3. Cliffs of Moher

Located in Ireland, the Moher Cliffs boast some of the most breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean. Unfortunately, this beauty is not equipped with handrails. Harsh, unpredictable winds and equally unpredictable rains, combined with steep gravel and rock-strewn slopes, set this place apart from an ordinary walk in the park.

In 2006, a woman was walking along the top of a cliff, but a strong wind blew her into the sea. However, non-accidental deaths also occur here... In 2007, a 26-year-old woman jumped off a cliff with her 4-year-old son. The case erupted into a lengthy controversy over the introduction of a suicide prevention service in addition to the numerous warning signs along the cliffs.

In 2010, another danger lurking here appeared: a huge piece of the upper cliff ledge fell into the sea.

2. Royal trail

The deadly Royal Trail got its name from the Spanish king Alfonso XIII. This artificial path is 1 meter wide and extends over a 100 meter high cliff. Despite the fact that it is closed to the public (5 people died here in 1999-2000), the trail attracts countless people every year.

Over the years, the Royal Trail has fallen into disrepair. Most of the supporting structures collapsed, leaving the daredevils no choice but to cross to the other side of the gorge close to the rocks.

In those places where the trail is more or less preserved, holes in it cause dizziness even for people who are not afraid of heights. Although it is actually illegal to be here, the King's Trail is still a fairly popular tourist destination. So popular that they are raising funds for its restoration, which will make the trail safer in the future.

1. Kokodsky tract and the tract of the Black cat

The Kokodsky tract is 100 kilometers of hot, humid, leech-filled territory that lies between the northern and southern coasts of Papua New Guinea. These rainforests are home to exotic animals, the jungle and the hidden villages of peoples who have lived off the land for generations.

Every year thousands of tourists come to this place to tickle their nerves. The entire journey takes 10 days of walking, climbing and swimming. All this time, you will desperately brush off mosquitoes, which are likely to infect you with malaria. Of course, you will be accompanied by guides, and you will surely be told a couple of stories about soldiers, whose abandoned and long-rusted weapons you will constantly stumble upon. Dehydration, broken bones, and infections are the biggest threats. But there are others.

In September 2013, a group of tourists trying to conquer the neighboring Black Cat tract was attacked by local residents. Two guides were killed by the machete attack, and seven other members of the group were badly injured, including an Australian who was stabbed in the leg with a spear. Passports and personal belongings were stolen.

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