
TOP 20 places where you can hide your money

Every person, whether he is 7 or 70 years old, has a reason to hide his money. Starting with a bizarre desire to save wealth from insidious relatives or imaginary thieves (the mind of a seven-year-old child comes into play here) to such weighty reasons as protecting money from the prying eyes of neighbors or real robbers (and here is the thinking of a 70-year-old man). In any case, these reasons force us to act. And when it comes to favorite money, people's creativity knows no bounds! The list of places to hide your money will go on and on, but let me tell you a few of them. I learned about these places from three different sources: friends, relatives and even enemies!

20. Pig piggy bank

Let me explain everything before you show your grievances. Yes, the piggy bank is the most popular store for money, but what if you put it in some unusual place? For example, in the freezer!

19. Cookie Jar

A cookie jar is always pleasing to the eye, especially if it is filled with something delicious. Ever thought of making a stash of money out of it? As an advantage - a lot of space and good protection from prying eyes ... Although it can be a bad idea if you have a sweet tooth child, whose best friend is a can of cookies. In this case, you are in trouble!

18. Teddy bears

Now let's move from sweets to teddy bears. Aren't these two cute? Are they adorable enough to stay out of sight of intruders? The plan is as follows. Remember those stuffed toys with a hole in the back for a battery? Isn't this the most comfortable place for your money? Quite insidious?

17. Hole in the book

This is one of my favorite ways to hide money. How often do classics become a secret cache? This idea will appeal to those who keep huge book libraries at home. Finding your savings will be nearly impossible. The only negative is that you have to ruin some book. Although these days you can buy ready-made, with a hole inside.

16. Secret vessel underground

I apologize if this reminds me of Sherlock Holmes or Elcuir Poirot. A sturdy jar buried in your garden or backyard can be a great stash of money. Just remember to mark the desired spot with a pebble or something else. I bet our ancestors loved this way of keeping money.

15. Glasses case

Why not give a second life to unnecessary cases? There is quite a lot of space in them, right? That will still be a spectacle!

14. In the pillow case

If you prefer to sleep peacefully next to your money, don't put it too far away. Doesn't a mattress seem like a good idea for a cash stash? Keeping money in a pillowcase is very convenient and always at hand!

13. Someone's pillow or mattress

Do you want to surpass everyone in cunning? Hide money under your neighbor's mattress. Just make sure he's too lazy to do the cleaning often!

12. Socks

This may seem strange to those people who think that socks are needed:

  1. in order to wear them;
  2. for good old Santa.

Meet another feature for socks - now you can hide money there!

11. Secret bathroom tiles

It smelled like spies, right? There is always a lot of innovation coming with the art of building. Ask your architect for a secret drawer in one of the shower room tiles. Do not forget to clarify exactly where this cache is located. Otherwise, you yourself will be no worse than a robber!

10. Under the staircase

If your architect has done an excellent job in the shower room, consider this option as well. Secure one of the boards so that it acts as a door to a small recess and store your money there. The last recommendation from the 11th point will not be superfluous.

9. Sofa

If a shower room and even a staircase are great for storing money, why not put your eyes on a comfy sofa? You can hide bills in the slots between the seat and the handles. And if you want to go the hard way, then make a secret box at the bottom of the sofa.

8. Doors

Think wider. If you can make a secret tile in the shower room, a recess in the stairs, and a secret drawer in the sofa, then let's make a small door to a large one. Drill a hole in the top edge of the door and don't forget the key for the cache. That's all, hide your money there!

7. Curtain rod

Now think clearly, but with a touch of creativity. The empty spaces of your curtain rods would be a little more interesting if they were stuffed with banknotes.

6. Photo frames

Framed photos evoke good memories of the past, then let the back of the frame make you smile slyly! Now there are several pleasant emotions in one frame!

5. Clothes

This is the most straightforward way to hide money. This trick is as old as ... well, old. Whether in a secret pocket of jeans or in a bra - the money kept in this way is really very personal!

4. Phone case

The tight space between the phone and the case is like holding a couple of banknotes, isn't it?

3. Boxes

I decided to tell you about several types of boxes, but I realized in time that there are too many of them. While different boxes serve different purposes, they have one thing in common.

  • Jewelry boxes are great for earrings, bracelets, but they can also store money in themselves.
  • Makeup box - there's always room for something else.
  • Tampon box too feminine?
  • Tissue box - hide your money in white!
  • Watch box - time and money is a really great combination!

The list can go on, the main thing here is creativity.

2. Ceiling fan dome

I never thought that you could hide money there until my friend told me about it. Check out her fan next time!

1. Bible

My favorite place. Once a priest told me that the Bible is meant to protect, and since people rarely use this book, it makes sense to keep money there! I don’t know how much I agree with him, but I have always kept large denomination notes and important documents in the Bible.

Twenty seats will never be enough among creative people. As I said, whether you are 7 or 70, the reasons for hiding money never go away, and neither do the places where you keep it. If you have any other suggestions for storing money, please share them with us!